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Ist Salami auf der Pizza nach 10 Minuten durchgebacken?
Ich habe Pizza gemacht und darf aufgrund der Schwangerschaft keine rohe Salami essen. Die Salami war jedoch in der Mitte der Pizza unter dem Gemüse und Käse und ich hatte die Pizza nur 10 Minuten bei 230 Grad Ober und Unterhitze drinnen. Meint ihr das hat ausgereicht um die Salami durchzubacken?
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KEINE NUDELN ODER EIER! Sonst werde ich fertig gemacht :’) Gerne auch etwas vegetarisches als Nebenoption Ich dachte anfangs an so Kartoffelpuffer (+ Kartoffeln, falls jemand Mehl nicht verdrägt oder sonstiges), Tomaten mit Sauersahne und Obstsalat. Ob ich eine Soße für die Kartoffeln hinbekomme weiß ich nicht :/ Falls jemand Ideen hat lmk
Krosse Brötchen lange knusprig behalten?
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rote bete suppe?
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Vegetable rice.
Cook rice. Boil TK vegetables in the pan so that the water is evaporated. Then add the boiled rice. Season as desired. I have a rice spice that I ordered over Amazon. Tastes delicious and saves work.
Can you please post the link for the spice.
Okay, that’s a word!
I’ve been ordering many different things there for years and never had reason to object.
Thanks for the info! Then I can order that in so far as the sunflower oil used is safe.
These are known to me, but they relate to the old recipe. The Bremer spice trade reacted to the complaints a long time ago and replaced palm oil with sunflower oil. I thought you had the info from another source.
Ingredients / ingredients
Onion, roasted onion (76% onion, sunflower oil, wheat flour, salt), paprika, garlic, curcuma, onion, garlic, mustard, chilli, coriander, cumin, ginger, bockshorn glue, pepper, fennel
You can even find this in the reviews you’re coming to via the link. But still: Thanks again for your answer with the vegetable recipe. I’ll try.
I respect such things. There’s nothing in the product description. But thanks for the hint. I’m going to research this again and, if that’s the case, I’m not going to order it anymore.
Absolute No Go. There’s palm oil in there!
Mirror egg with melted cheese on bread or toast, so as a kind of sandwich comes really bad. It’s done fast, I’ll do it almost every night. If gourmets then still ne pane bacon/fried ham on
No cheese, no bacon!
Too bad. Well, in doubt, just scrambled eggs or like all others: noodles. Without cheese, however, only half as delicious. If you like and have garlic and olive oil, you can make very delicious spaghetti aglio e olio.
I will.
Have fun not missioning!
I don’t mission!
Hope it tastes! Much success on your mission
Oh! Knofi seasoning and olive oil are here. I guess I’ll throw it into my castle’s kitchen tract.
I’d say spaghetti. Eat I also feel at any time is perhaps also because I can cook absolutely nothing else
I feel
“that I can cook absolutely nothing else.”
Do you need a handkerchief?
I need a whole package…
should I ever change my sexual interests I think of your wise words
Your husband will be happy in the future. ;
Salad, but you don’t have to cook it.
No bock on salad. Want to cook something!
Then cook some mushrooms in the pan and then make a salad with delicious roast mushrooms. Otherwise, only pasta with tomato sauce falls in.
No mushrooms!
The legendary “slaughter” I’ll take it to me right now.
Then put the recipe over.
A bed, pillow and blanket
10-15min without phone.
Eyes to breathe calmly
In the morning you can enjoy it.
Bake for 45 minutes at 200 degrees on circulating air?
Maybe Toast
No toast bread.
Too late. I’ve been up by now!
no matter how hungry sleep
It’s really bad!
A soup, because soup always goes.
Where is she going?
…to the stomach and then to the intestine, then to the back door.
You don’t know…
No soup!
That’s bad luck, of course.
Get up at the station!
@frannpol I need help with my colleague no idea what he wants from me here
Where are you going?
Without pommes?
right, great now I want to eat
Isn’t that a bit undersalted?
…and relatively short.
But hello!
Ne Pommes of mcs must be only with 17 kilos of salt then life is good
Pomme’s closet?
old please bring ne Pommes with me
OMG! I think I’m going to McDonald’s…
…for you.
I hope it will be filmed soon!
Sounds like an adventure trip!
Oh, good trip!
Cancer is nice;)
Pigshaxe with sauerkraut and dumplings.
Nix there!
How should I know?