Was ist wenn ich kein Geld bekomme in der Ausbildung?
Was ist wenn ich dann im Jugendwerk kein Geld bekomme? Bzw nur ganz wenige so 150€ – 200€? Weil das bereitet mir schon Sorgen 😕 da das Agentur für Arbeit mich ja bezahlt in der Ausbildung und ich kein Hartz Iv bin. Mir wurde auch gesagt das, dass Geld abhing ist von meinen Eltern wie viel sie verdienen…. Und mein Vater verdient viel.
Was ist wenn ich dann Wirklich wenig Geld bekomme???😕 Ich will mir auch was holen und das geht dann nicht mehr
Das macht mir schon Sorgen
I just got a little over 300€ in my training in the first year of education. Then there were taxes, etc, so I was less. I also had to pay rent in proportion, my travel costs, all school materials, etc. For me personally for hobbies, don’t save much, etc. Even in the last year of teaching where I got almost 500€ gross was not really much left because the more I earned have also increased the deductions and what I paid to my parents a little higher. Our school material was also not cheaper but more expensive because I also needed certain books for testing to learn.
And despite that I had little in training, I have been a lot with my friends on the go, was celebrating and invested money in my hobbies. Wasn’t a problem I just had to save a little longer if necessary and didn’t buy it immediately whatever I wanted. but that’s exactly how I learned to come very far with very little money. And that’s why the raised prices don’t shock me now as I’ve been out of training since I’ve been out of my budget, which I hadn’t had to raise in training to pay everything I need for life.
For a response, it would be important what this is for training. Do you have a training contract with a company? How old are you? Can you live with your parents during your training? What will your working hours be? What are you doing?
Why? I am 20 I live at home I have a degree, I want to make shrine
Okay, if you can live with your parents, it’ll be fine. And you also have 200 children’s money and can be family-insured.
In normal carpenter training you will also get a normal training grade. Do you already have an operation? Then you can ask. And if you can’t operate yet, you can also ask for another operation, the compensations are usually similar regionally.
The exception is only if you do the training not at a company, but at a school with internships. This can happen with the 150. But then just change to an in-house training, after all you are already 20.
And the level of education is never dependent on the income of parents, no concern. Only the vocational training allowance, maybe, but with a normal salary and living with the parents, you won’t get it either.
And if it’s still tight, many trainees do a minijob in the evening or on free days and then you have something together.
If the money is not enough, despite child money and salary, your parents can apply for housing. How much you get depends on the salary of your parents, your salary and any other income and expenses, etc.
What is the work of the youth? If you do a dual training, you get from the company where you do your training. How much this ultimately is different depending on training, contract, place of residence, tariff etc.
Let the board advise you.
If you have broken off the training, you will of course get no further salary and if you were sick in the first four weeks of the trial period, you will get no salary for the days where you were sick.
Well the agency for work pays me yes and the youth work also somehow runs over the agency for work with the salary which I get then
You’ll probably get your salary from the employment office if you keep going. Otherwise ask.