Was ist wenn ich den joint so drehe?

Sagen wir ich drehe einen joint mit cannabis und Tabak. Ich drehe so , dass ganz oben der Tabak ist unten das Grass am Filter. Würde das bedeuten ich werde bis zur Hälfte nicht high oder brennt es gleichmäßig ab

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3 months ago
  1. Tobacco is extender and potentially carcinogenic.
  2. In Joints, part of the contained cannabis is completely burned unused; always if you don’t pull the joint.
  3. cannabis is smoked pure, at best in the vaporizer or in the purpipe, then you need not more than 0.1 g for a good high
3 months ago

Mix grass and tobacco evenly together and pack a little tabak on the filter.

A joint is designed to vaporize the fabric that does not burn. But that only applies to the substance directly under the gluten, so you probably wouldn’t feel much at first and only when it comes to the cannabis get high

3 months ago

Yeah, that means that. It also burns unevenly. Better to mix, about 50/50.

3 months ago
Reply to  luibrand

not quite, what burns at the very front serves only to heat it behind it so that the substances are activated with the desired effect. So it would probably be that you (of course also have a little bit of tolerance, etc.) even if you were to do the tobacco half away, you would notice a little of the grass.
But of course you are right, mixing is better, pure is best