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9 years ago

What fits depends on the airline. However, it may well be that you have to pay fines for the excess baggage, which are very high. (70€ they say at Ryanair, I don’t know if that’s true, I’ve had luck with the suitcasesXD)

9 years ago

Sure you can fly, but you have to pay the extra costs for the baggage.

9 years ago

But you can fly, you have to pay extra.

It depends on which airline you fly there are considerable price differences.

9 years ago

you need to pay and that costs vıel and wırd from 100 bıs 200 gr or you need to throw away

9 years ago

From multiple exaggeration I can tell you that most, but not all up to 2 kg more to press an eye. (Comes of course on the airline and the staff )

You can take the risk but should also have some money at the same time for a evtl.extra payment

9 years ago

You have to pay according to the airline per kilo.

9 years ago

You have to pay more about 20 euros per kilo…

At least much 😀

I don’t know