Was ist wenn bei einem Schuldner nichts zu pfänden ist?

Wenn bei einem Schuldner eine Zwangsvollstreckung bevorsteht und man nichts pfaenden kann , wie geht es dann mit den Schulden weiter ? Der GV sieht sich ja dann in der Wohnung um , ob es Wertgegenstaende gibt ; fragt nach Bargeld usw. Gibt es Dinge die nicht gepfändet werden dürfen ? Ich bekomme von einem Bekannten 1500,00€. Was ist wenn bei ihm nichts zu holen ist und er eine eidesstattliche Versicherung abgibt? So wie ich weiss hat er auch ein P-Konto. Habe ich dann sozusagen Pech gehabt ?

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1 year ago

Did I have any bad luck?

In a way yes.

You can run for 30 years.

However, if the execution attempts remain fruitless, you will be able to stretch the fees and stay on them.

But wait for the list of assets 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  DasOrakel

That’s bullshit!

1 year ago
Reply to  LuciusArtorius

Of course not 🙂

1 year ago

If a debtor is faced with a suspicion and you can’t blame anything, how is the debt going on?

Just like before.

If the ZV does not provide anything, only the EV or regular baggings remain, but what happens to someone who deserves under the Pfaänungsfrei boundary is only more cost – which in turn the creditor has spent.

In other words, where nothing is, you don’t use a title. This is valid for 30 years, but the creditor would also have to arrange regular executions, otherwise he would have been affected after X years (maximum 10 presumably).

I get 1500,00€ from an acquaintance.

The sum is not even worth the GerV.

Write sum in the wind, live on.

Did I have any bad luck?


1 year ago

Officially, you’d have to make the money right away. But unofficially nobody knows and as long as you don’t hang the money gift to the big bell, no one will notice it. :

1 year ago

you can pick up for 30 years and have to pay the deposit costs again and again. If it fails for 30 years (e.g. bounty money as a plan of life) then the money is gossip.

1 year ago

Your title is 30 years.

You can try it again and again (against prepayment).

It is also possible to

1 year ago

You need patience until you find something prudent.

Not all the guilders remain poor forever.