Was ist WENIGER! Schädlich für ältere Jugendliche (16,17)- Weed oder Alk?

Was ist für einen JUGENDLICHEN !!WENIGER schädlich mit 16,17 natürlich. Nicht mit 13/14..

Alkohol oder Cannabis?? Kommt nicht mit „Nichts“ ich meine was ich WENIGER schädlich..?

jedes wochenende Vollrausch auf alk, oder jede Woche paar Züge vom Joint und bisschen „benebelt“ sprich high sein..

was ist WENIGER“ schädlich?

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2 years ago


What is WENIGER! Harmful for older youth (16,17)- Weed or Alk? Every weekend full-blown on Alk, or every week couple of trains from the joint and a little “bebelt” speak to be high..

Only the consumption of comparable quantities leads to a factual comparison.

As long as there is no alcohol abuse, alcohol is definitely more harmless because initially, in principle, it is not harmful.

In order to make a factual comparison, you must compare the same with the same, i.e. either a flat-rate statement as in your original question or the worst-case scenario in both variants. To minimise cannabis on a few trains, while alcohol is confronted with absolute moaning, would be an extreme distortion. The latter would be as if you were asking what would be worse if I killed you or if I touched you with the finger.

The fact is that alcohol, consumed in small quantities quite regularly but not daily, does not lead to damage, nor are dependencies to fear. In contrast, any alcohol abuse is always harmful. Alcohol leads significantly later to dependencies, but when a dependency has been reached, it is more serious. In a worst-case scenario, both alcohol and cannabis can lead to death, but drinking water is also fatal from any amount. Each fruit juice contains small amounts of alcohol and is especially drunk by toddlers. Even the sharpest alcohol opponents have never complained about the consumption of fruit juice in toddlers.

The risks of cannabis use for noise are particularly harmful in early youth. Because the brain is still in construction and reconstruction, can cause numerous long-term and irreversible damage. These include psychosis, depression and intelligence reduction. Sources: Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Thomasius, Prof. Dr. Maximilian Gahr Research and knowledge

Cannabis use in childhood can lead to impulsive behavior, poorer concentration and even permanent brain damage.

Source: Study JAMA Psychiatry (largest long-term study, 800 young people who had not previously consumed cannabis)

  • At the beginning, the scientists examined the brains using magnetic resonance tomography (MRI). They found no significant differences between the brains of the young people. After another five years, the researchers examined the brains again. In addition, it was asked whether and how often the young adults consumed cannabis. In the new MRI recordings, the physicians were able to notice significant differences between subjects that do not, occasionally and very often consume cannabis. The changes in the prefrontal cortex were particularly strong, where many docking points for the drug lie. This brain region is, among other things, important for planning actions, solving problems and controlling impulses…

Aliens in cannabis can cause any damage which is harmful, depending on the substance and concentration.

In addition, any smoking of cannabis damages in addition to smoking cigarettes, with the comparable expected damage and the dependency potential.

Good to you… and stay healthy.

Greeting, RayAnderson 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  RayAnderson

In a worst-case scenario, both alcohol and cannabis can lead to death

Wrong, cannabis can only kill you if you smoke it. the actual active substances have never killed a human, quite different from alcohol.

The risks of cannabis use for noise are particularly harmful in early youth.Because the brain is still in construction and reconstruction,can cause numerous long-term and irreversible damage. These include psychosis, depression and intelligence reduction

Cannabis use in childhoodcan lead to impulsive behavior, poorer concentration and even permanent brain damage.

Psychosis can only occur if you have a complaint. Otherwise what you say is true. But it’s all for alcohol. In addition, there are numerous potential organ damages that do not arise in cannabis use.

When it comes to dependence, the alcohol is much worse. He makes strong dependence, both mentally and physically. A cold withdrawal can even end fatal. Cannabis dependency takes place only in the head.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carepicha

Cannabis can only kill you if you smoke it. the actual active substances have never killed a human, quite different from alcohol.


Basically, the question is about smoking a joint. This has already done the meaning of your comment, because you are going out of the wrong conditions. All other comments are about something you misjudged in advance. In addition, a joint not only focuses on cannabis, but also on additives, extensions and, in principle, the damage caused by smoking.

When it comes to dependence, the alcohol is much worse. He makes strong dependence, both mentally and physically.

Always stay with the truth. Teaching contributions from the context makes little sense. You should read the answer completely. Then your statement would have been unnecessary.

2 years ago

The investigations and results of coroners who could and/or falsify everything possible have been taken out of these cases. In the end, the conclusion was for these deaths. Everything you describe has been taken into account.

2 years ago

I’m telling you, heart rhythm disorders have many people. Many drugs also make for example a QT extension in some patients. There is a sudden cardiac arrest for which no cause is found. The one who has no explanation for his death, but cannabis in the blood is a possible cause. And yes, cannabis affects the cardiovascular system.

However, I do not find the connection you describe in the sources.

What I have heard (and also experienced myself) is heart grass etc. after enjoying synthetic stuff. This will probably be stretched again and again, and overdoses will occur. Of these, however, one does not die, and normally one would also adjust consumption if it does not get good or adjust the dose.

2 years ago

I don’t doubt the coroner, but your statements. You contradict your sources

My statements contradict the reports of the coroners. With this you doubt the coroners and their work.

If I die now, the whole amount of thc would find in my blood. That’s why thc is not the original.

For this, there are medical doctors who examine it and make the exact distinctions. This has been done in the cases described.

2 years ago

I don’t doubt the coroner, but your statements. You contradict your sources.

If I die now, the whole amount of thc would find in my blood. That’s why thc is not the original.

I also don’t undersee any lonely at the backs of papaya to claim that the papaya would have killed her. This is simply illogical

That a few hundred crooks hurt themselves, suicide, or get heart problems does not mean that the drug was the reason for it. Finally, there are several million ciffers who do not practice self-destruction and have wonderful pumping hearts.

2 years ago

The deaths were detected and confirmed by coroner. Undoubted cases are not included, because they were sorted out.

That it is unusual, no one has contested, but it shows that cannabis consumption can also lead to death, no more, but no less.

2 years ago

Young boy you send long articles about numerous dead, of which 4-10 have died of cardiovascular disorders or heart rhythm disorders, and that is supposed to be due to cannabis use. This is not proven at all.

It has been proven by medical doctors and it is not 4-10, but only the stated are already nearly 200 cases. You could continue researching and find more cases. The cases listed are by no means dubious deaths, because they were sorted out. The indicated clear that cannabis consumption can lead to death.

Of course, you can continue to doubt the legal medicine.

2 years ago

Puh, I feel the deaths very far. For years, are the joints? I’m sure there is. Even blame who goes on. Anyone who dies after that is still unusual and not the rule at all. There are also people who react allergicly to water. That doesn’t make water dangerous….

The opinion of the Psychotherapeutenkammer summarizes the topic https://www.bptk.de/cannabis-legalisation-alcohol-vereuern-hilfsangebote-Ausbauen/

2 years ago

Young boy you send long articles about numerous dead, of which 4-10 have died of cardiovascular disorders or heart rhythm disorders, and that is supposed to be due to cannabis use. This is not proven at all.

10 doubtful cases in human history compared to some 74,000 cases in alcohol every year and that in Germany alone. I think the numbers speak for themselves.

And how to build a joint, I really don’t let you explain. If you like to mix any substance with it, it might end very unhealthy, I would not recommend you. Smoke for many years without “stretches” and I’m fine.

2 years ago

Your false allegations are already starting with the fact that you don’t support smoking here!

This is definitely wrong, just read it.

“by definition”… this is reality and not theory!

Of course, cannabis is usually stretched, only by the almost always attached tobacco when it is smoked.

If you don’t know, then leave it to write inappropriate comments.

AND… of course, pure cannabis can also kill and it does not yet turn around the many cases where cannabis has only played secondary roles, accidents, suicide, etc.

Examples: 2 other healthy men 23 and 28, a woman 22….

For the first time, legal medicine at the Düsseldorf University Hospital has been able to prove that two men have died of the consequences of their cannabis use. Apparently, they suffered severe heart rhythm disorders. The global interest is great, because the case is in the legalization debate. Source: rp-online

Despite delivery, a young woman was suffering her cannabis use. A few hours after their delivery, the 22-year-old suffered a cardiac arrest. The 22-year-old has been using cannabis for several years. It was the trigger and ultimately the cause. Source: drugcom

More 136 deaths due to cannabis use…

Head of study Caroline Copeland and her team have dealt with this question. They have looked at all deaths that occurred in England between 1998 and 2020 and where cannabis could have played a role. In the investigation period, this was 3,455 deaths. In all cases, cannabis was detected at the deceased. In 96 percent of cases, however, cannabis was only one of many substances.

Only cannabis was detected in 4 percent of all deaths. That was 136 cases. Among these, injuries were the most common cause of death. In 47 cases it was self-made injuries. Death occurred, among other things, by falling from great height or by hanging. In 35 cases of injuries, people died in traffic accidents.

Cannabis as the sole cause of death was considered in 14 cases. Most of them were heart failures. Only in one case could there be no direct cause of death other than cannabis use. Source: drugcom

More 6 cases…

Already in 2001, researchers from the Norwegian National Institute for Forensic Toxicology in »Forensic Science International« had pointed out six deaths of young cannabis users whose death was also attributed to the cardiovascular side effects of THC (doi: 10.1016/S0379-0738(01)00609-0).

2 years ago

A joint contains only cannabis by definition.

You want to stay with the original question? ok, then stop talking about other additives or stretches.

What contribution have I torn from what context?

2 years ago

Physically, alcohol is more harmful. Much more harmful.

Mentally, cannabis is more risky. Alcohol’s just harassing you. Cannabis doesn’t harass you, but it’s just getting you cried.

It doesn’t get everyone. This can cause anxiety disorders, especially when stretched. If you have taken too many trains, you can also take a bath trip ksmell. This is a very fucking feeling that can traumatize.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ratsucher92

That’s not true. Mentally, alcohol works differently with everyone, except that it kills with every brain cell.

Some become love or talk, others become aggressive. Risks can be considered much worse on alcohol. I’ve seen how good friends I’ve known since childhood have been through alcohol to other people. Long story, there was violence in every case, and at the end there was no good one.

2 years ago
Reply to  Carepicha

Individual cases have never been representative. In addition, alcohol should never be based on alcohol abuse, but should put everything into proportion.

2 years ago

You just don’t want to understand, do you? 😀

It’s more likely that you don’t want to acknowledge the facts of the coroner.

You can try the facts to be ridiculous. Only your inability to understand scientific analysis comes out.

2 years ago

Nonsense, because no reasonable person drinks 10 cocktails.

FALSCH, coroners have proved the opposite.

You just don’t want to understand, do you? 😀

As already said: Jaja has already understood that you are far too tight for factual discussions.

Still nice evening!

2 years ago

Thanks for the confirmation! I knew you’d judge me about it 🙂

FALSCH, I don’t judge you. In your comment, it only reveals the expected insanity.

Why insane? This is a direct comparison of the two drugs in one evening.

Nonsense, because no reasonable person drinks 10 cocktails.

Fact: You can kill yourself with alcohol, not with cannabis.

FALSCH, coroners have proved the opposite.

If you think that you jump out of the window after cannabis use because you see ghosts – you have already lost in this discussion.

What I think doesn’t matter here, but only what coroner found out. What discussion… I just describe what coroner found out and you bring insane comparisons and theses that are untenable, just to justify your drug use. That’s not a discussion. At this level I will not surrender.

2 years ago

On your profile picture you can already see how you keep it with the truth…

Thanks for the confirmation! I knew you’d judge me about it 🙂

Your insane comparison with 10 cocktails shows the lack of seriousness of your comment. for that, it would be too bad for me…

Why insane? This is a direct comparison of the two drugs in one evening. Fact: You can kill yourself with alcohol, not with cannabis.

I am not talking about acts and behaviors after consumption, but rather about the drug.

If you think that you jump out of the window after cannabis use because you see ghosts – you have already lost in this discussion.

2 years ago

On your profile picture you can already see how you keep it with the truth…

The cases indicated were examined by coroners. This disproves your thesis.

Your insane comparison with 10 cocktails shows the lack of seriousness of your comment. for that, it would be too bad for me…

It is totally nonsense that alcohol is basically damaged. No one bears a damage to it or is dependent on when wine is drunk from time to time and this is the comparable order of magnitude in the question of cannabis consumption. So if, then you should always draw reasonable comparisons.

It is self-explanatory that the abuse of alcohol can lead to serious consequences, as is the case with almost all of its actual purposes.

2 years ago

Yes, the investigations of the coroner may be regarded as being arrested. For you, it’s Christmas men… so be it. They are the specialists in this field and when they come to the conclusion that it was on cannabis, that will be the same, no matter how often you deny it and petty it.

2 years ago

Join me 100%!

I don’t want to harm cannabis or something – but in the direct comparison, you have to be honest and should know that alcohol is the more dangerous evil.

When comparing the physical damage of two people, one has smoked 10 joints in the evening and the other 10 cocktails, shots whatever – one sees clearly the more misery.

Each Person could die in an evening by too much alcohol – alcohol poisoning.

This is not the case with cannabis. You’re asleep before you can make something dangerous.

And here you notice the jumping point! With alcohol you can already Consumption die – while this is not possible with cannabis, you are asleep before. You can’t die from consumption. Point.

2 years ago

Jaja got it, you’re too tight for real discussions.

You can believe in everything, in God, in the Christmas man or from me also in cannabis. But nothing is proven by all of this, even though many often want to say that.

2 years ago

Cannabis deaths were dubiously confirmed by coroner.

2 years ago

The fact that there is cannabis death is, of course, unfuge.

Second paragraph is correct, has never asserted the opposite.

2 years ago

Apart from the many cannabis deaths… but that’s true, they don’t want to confront anymore.

The quantity ratio is absolutely relevant for alcohol. Just because someone tries to drink wine from time to time, he does not become aggressive, nor does he have to count on damage, let alone that he becomes dependent on it.

2 years ago

You’re right, but that Alkhol makes a human aggressive is not a single case.

The quantitative ratio is not relevant in my statement. Of course, nobody gets violent after a beer. After 10 beers, maybe already. On the other hand, cannabis is only in individual cases. It doesn’t matter how much you’re getting, you won’t feel like confrontation, the lust goes down even further with rising noise.

2 years ago

That’s not to say. In any case, the alcohol is more harmful.

The influence on personality development is likely to be greater in the case of Weed.

But I find full-blown is also a different level than a joint. It would be more like to be a full-blown with a few bags or bong.

2 years ago
Reply to  Caillean1982

So, as far as personalities are concerned, I experienced much worse in alcoholics than in Kiffern

2 years ago
Reply to  Carepicha

I give you 100% right. But the FS asks for 1 full-blown at the WE, which is far away from alcoholism. Nevertheless, I remain with my statement: Kiffen during personality development is more risky than alcohol. At 16/17, both substances could be about the same and in adults ciffs are more harmless than alkalds

2 years ago

Cannabis enters brain structuring at age and makes doof. Especially the creative admixtures are really harmful or toxic. Psychic problems, such as or hallucinations, may arise in case of predisposition.

Alcohol lets cells die, it doesn’t make you smarter. There is also a search potential.

Thus all nerve poisons and cell poisons are bad. It’s like the choice between Pest and Cholera.

2 years ago
Reply to  Realisti

where you can also die in a full-blown and there is no danger in cannabis

2 years ago
Reply to  BoomDMT

There is also death in cannabis. Everything here is a question of dosage and in cannabis the ingredients in total. There is also the problem of tobacco and smoking, because it is smoked.

2 years ago
Reply to  BoomDMT

Depends on the admixture. Latent mental illnesses can break out when faced. They are not without and often this is not reversible. Whether this is harmless…?

2 years ago

Harmless than death? Puh, a psychosis that doesn’t leave? There would be dead if the smaller evil…

In contrast to cannabis, alcohol has proven doubtless that it can cause psychosis even without predisposition… In cannabis, there are only hints and only in case of suspicion

To this end, the safe risk of alcohol is significantly higher than expected in cannabis

2 years ago

Interactions can change and strengthen effects. This was taken into account by the coroners. Thousands of cases have been investigated. In the end, the medical doctors indicated here and proved to be.

With regard to the actual question of the FS, yes, as it is presented, no reasonable answer is possible without own corrections. If then comparable consumption must be compared. At least then something can be compared. In my own answer, I answered the question accordingly and compared a comparable consumption. Everything else would be disgusting.

2 years ago

Many thanks, i.e. the first case is known to me, however, at that time it was not excluded that the cause of death could not have other causes, it could never be excluded from mixing consumption and any pre-disorders or overloading by sport.

the other games I have to look at myself

that the human body normally in position is to be degraded by the monoaminooxidase ethanol is known, if one would consume mao summer with alcohol, the consumption would lead much faster to death

even if you have never taken alcohol, ethanol in the human body comes in as an intermediate product

it does not make much sense to argue about it as I said:

“the question is not meaningful and unfortunately very strongly colored by the fact that you are a full-blurred, much ethanol, with few trains, little cannabis compared”

2 years ago

More 136 deaths due to cannabis use…

Head of study Caroline Copeland and her team have dealt with this question. They have looked at all deaths that occurred in England between 1998 and 2020 and where cannabis could have played a role. In the investigation period, this was 3,455 deaths. In all cases, cannabis was detected at the deceased. In 96 percent of cases, however, cannabis was only one of many substances.

Only cannabis was detected in 4 percent of all deaths. That was 136 cases. Among these, injuries were the most common cause of death. In 47 cases it was self-made injuries. Death occurred, among other things, by falling from great height or by hanging. In 35 cases of injuries, people died in traffic accidents.

Cannabis as the sole cause of death was considered in 14 cases. Most of them were heart failures. Only in one case could there be no direct cause of death other than cannabis use. Source: drugcom

More 6 cases…

Already in 2001, researchers from the Norwegian National Institute for Forensic Toxicology in »Forensic Science International« had pointed out six deaths of young cannabis users whose death was also attributed to the cardiovascular side effects of THC (doi: 10.1016/S0379-0738(01)00609-0).

2 years ago

Exactly, there must always be a distinction between normal alcohol consumption and alcohol abuse. Toddlers drink alcohol almost daily, with fruit juices. It is no secret that small amounts of alcohol are always found in fruit juices. Here’s the spell, the dose makes the poison.

As far as smoking joints is concerned, as the FS expresses, that often has a variety of additives.

Steaming would be another topic.

Below is an example of the death of 2 young adults (23 + 28), by cannabis use. There are, of course, many other deaths in which the origin of drugs can be found.

For the first time, legal medicine at the Düsseldorf University Hospital has been able to prove that two men have died of the consequences of their cannabis use. Apparently, they suffered severe heart rhythm disorders. The global interest is great, because the case is in the legalization debate. Source: rp-online

2 years ago

a full-blown is not a normal alcohol consumption, even if it does not take steam it is becoming more popular, I don’t know a case where cannabis use has led to death, but maybe you call me a few games and we don’t talk about “legal highs”, criminal mixtures, synthetic cannabinoides or dubbing just cannabis without lead

2 years ago

The question is about smoking joints…

This includes all conceivable additives, extensions, etc. and yes, there were many dead in the past.

The FS does not take up the topic of steaming.

Alcohol consumption and alcohol abuse are two things.

2 years ago

“There is also the variant death in cannabis. Everything here is a question of dosage and in cannabis the ingredients in total.”

to this day there is not a single death that is clearly due to cannabis use, unlike the thousands of alcohol dead every year alone in Germany, you can’t ciff yourself dead,

“There is also the problem of tobacco and smoking, because it is smoked.”

it is becoming more and more popular to steam, pure instead of smoking mixed with tobacco, it is also not about tobacco consumption

2 years ago

That’s what you say

2 years ago

Harmless than death? Puh, a psychosis that doesn’t leave? There would be dead if the smaller evil…

2 years ago

a cold withdrawal can be fatal after prolonged alcohol consumption

2 years ago

Many alcohol workers are routinely saved. The baptism of death takes years with habitual stones. If they don’t get alk, they’ll take something else.

2 years ago

as the dead? yes with security

2 years ago

At 16/17, the risk of life-long effects on both noises is high. Only when the body is matured at 21 years can you use both occasionally for pleasure. Fully rough is also dangerous for adults.

2 years ago

Both are harmful, as is otherwise, to the development of an adolescent, which is why it is advised not to consume either of them before 21 because the brain and large parts of the remaining body have grown.

What is really less harmful now, I don’t know 100%

The whole weekend is of course more harmful than every week “a few trains” where you don’t know how strong the grass is

Both extremely harmful to young people and there is no small difference either

2 years ago

In this way it is not possible to say that it depends very much on the individual.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

each washing full-breast on alk, or every week couple of trains from the joint and a little “bebelt” speak to be high..

I don’t think this is a good comparison, full-blown vs. “until envy”. It’s like letting a train drive over the arm or push a tretroller over the foot.

Maybe interesting: What drug is dangerous for young people?,

2 years ago

the question is not meaningful and unfortunately very strongly colored by that you are a full-blown, much ethanol, with couple suits, little cannabis comparative

2 years ago

both bad

it cannot be recommended THC or alcohol at age

THC can cause significant and lasting damage even after one-off consumption

2 years ago
Reply to  Liebello

THC can cause significant and lasting damage even after one-off consumption

All right.

You mean alcohol already from 50g so a beer with 0.5L and 5% there’s permanent damage in the brain…