Was ist/war euer Lieblingsfach in der Schule? Und was ist/ war euer Hassfach?
Ich bin jetzt im Maturajahr einer Schule in Österreich. Lieblingsfächer: Rechnungswesen, BWL
Hassfach: Musik (hab ich zum Glück nicht mehr)
Ich bin jetzt im Maturajahr einer Schule in Österreich. Lieblingsfächer: Rechnungswesen, BWL
Hassfach: Musik (hab ich zum Glück nicht mehr)
Was würdet ihr sagen? Klar ist das abhängig von den eigenen stärken, aber welche Studiengänge fallen euch so spontan ein? Für mich ist es irgendwie Physik von dem, was ich mitbekommen habe. Wie seht ihr das?
Ich war 3 Wochen krank und hatte schlimmen Husten und habe sehr schlecht Luft bekommen und dann hatte ich zum Glück 3 Wochen Urlaub aber jetzt ist es immer noch nicht besser mit der Luft was soll ich tun ich kann ja schlecht so lange fehlen in der Ausbildung oder ?
Ich mache eine Ausbildung beim Finanzamt und wir haben hier an der Finanzschule manchmal total junge Dozenten, meistens haben die gerade erst ihre Ausbildung beendet und sind noch nicht mal auf Lebenszeit verbeamtet. Was ist eurer Meinung nach die Motivation dahinter?
Hallo, ich beschäftige mich momentan damit welche Ausbildungen zu mir passen würden, merke aber das ich nicht pfündig werde und wollte hier einmal nachfragen was euch so in den Kopf kommt. Zu mir ich habe seit kleinauf mit Pferden, Hunden und auch ein wenig mit Katzen zu tun. In meiner Schulzeit habe ich gemerkt das…
Hallo zusammen, von Juni bis Dezember hat mich ein Kollege belästigt. Erst gestand er mir seine Liebe über WhatsApp, als ich ihn zurückwies hörte er nicht auf zu schreiben. Erst privat, als ich ihn dann blockierte über den Arbeitschat und dann sogar über Mails und über Anrufe über mein Diensthandy. Nachdem er mich dann sogar…
? Nur so kleine Flugzeuge für den Privatgebrauch.
For me there was no real “heart.” Nevertheless, art and music were the subjects I liked the least. This was mainly due to the fact that I am from the uncreative variety.
My favorite subjects were maths, swimming as well as business & right.
Nice:) I never had swimming as a subject. We were only swimming more often from sports classes. I liked swimming.
I’ve always liked to be blurred – also belongs to my hobbies. Fortunately, I had swimming as a stand-alone compartment from the 5th to the 10th grade.
I also liked normal sports classes, but not one of my favorite subjects.
Except for art and music, I really liked all subjects. Only the maths, swimming as well as business & right were my absolute favorite subjects.
And how did you like normal sports lessons with device tournaments or football?
In Mathe I was quite good, otherwise I was still good in physics.
Favorite compartment: English. It’s chilly and brings the greatest benefit after school because you need it almost everywhere nowadays.
Hassfach: Sports. Waste of time, you don’t learn. Who wants to run a ball after, can go to a club…
On the subject of sport: I don’t see it as you described it. Teachers want to teach students different types of sport (especially the technique) such as basketball or volleyball, for example.
In art and music you also learn to a lesser extent theory (e.g. color teaching, light shadow action, 3D view or just the spectrum of notes, different epochs in music etc.).
That’s completely missing in sports. We have never learned anything about the tactical orientation in football or effective fitness training! That’s what I meant. Sport is also more than just jumping over a box or running a ball after it.
My favorite subject was German. I could just do it well, in school and later in teaching. If I do something at work, I have always improved the spelling of my colleagues.
My worst subject was always sports. I think sport is a totally unnecessary and meaningless school subject. You don’t need what you learn later in life. For unsportable students, this is nothing but a torture.
My favorite subjects were the natural sciences, especially physics. The subject I liked the least was sports. Especially ball sports and exercises where you had to wait a long time I didn’t like.
Favourite subjects: All natural science subjects
Hate fan: history and geography (but mainly at the teacher)
likes art,French,Spanish and English
Chemistry,Mathe,Physics and sport not
I loved English and hated sports. LG
Favourite subjects were history and religion, less fun I had in chemistry and sports…
I was very interested in English and natural sciences, but not so much for mathematics when I was still studying.
My favourite subjects were German and organic and my hate box sports.
Hassfach is Math!!💀 Then physics and chemistry are not so bad because there are no main subjects!
German – always been. This is such a subject where language is concerned. It’s up to me and I have fun.
My favorite subject was math, and what I didn’t like was French!
Music and Chemistry
My favorite subject was sports. And my hate box definitely art
Hassfach : mathematics
Favourite subject : English
favorite subject was history
Hass fan were physics and chemistry
German and English I liked…Mathe I hated the plague…😌🐥