Was ist verstehst du unter „Gesunde Ernährung“?

Die Ernährung hat sich in den letzten 100 Jahren gewandelt.

Meine Großmutter hatte 3 Milchkühe, 5 Schweine, Korn auf dem Feld und die Hühner liegen frei über dem Hof.

Wenn ich heute in den Supermarkt gehe, sehe ich in 70 % der Einkaufswagen Fertig Nahrung, Chips, Alkohol und viele Lebensmittel in Konserven und Gläser.

Der Begriff “Nahrungsmittel” wird oft im Zusammenhang mit industriell verarbeiteten Produkten verwendet.

Der Begriff “Lebensmittel” wird oft im Zusammenhang mit einer gesunden und natürlichen Ernährung verwendet.

was verstehst du unter „Gesunder Ernährung“?

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5 months ago

“Healthy nutrition” is always subjective.

One claims this, the other. As such opinions come about, it is sometimes horrific, although not surprising, in view of the inflationary growing number of self-proclaimed food coaches, each of which claims otherwise.

No one can really say what the healthiest diet is. There are only certain tendencies underpinned by studies.

In principle, it is only clear: everything that makes severely overweight or severely underweight is burdensome for the body, as well as everything that leads to symptoms of deficiency or greatly exaggerated values of any substance that can be measured in the blood.

For me in person, healthy diet means a balanced diet which, compared to the average, contains less salt and industrial sugar. I also swear on probiotic foods like sour wort and Kimchi. Meat and milk products in large quantities are unhealthy. I feed myself vegan, but I don’t think that vegan is nonplusultra in terms of healthy nutrition. Nevertheless, I see a truly thoughtful and balanced vegan diet as one of the healthiest diets.

5 months ago

I look more and more at spices. Well seasoned is half digested, it says. Spices not only give the food taste, but also make it pleasant.

In addition, herbs and spices consist of valuable minerals and oils that are good for our body. They are, so to speak, a natural supplement that still tastes good.

5 months ago

healthy and balanced diet (nutrition pyramid) from non (high) processed and qualitatively good foods without genetic engineering, antibiotics, chemistry, etc.

5 months ago

A healthy diet for me is a balanced diet that provides my body with everything it needs.

By the way, ready-made dishes do not necessarily have to be unhealthy. It always comes to the manufacturer here. Here many have moved and offer products that are not highly processed. Even cooking is still better;-)

By the way, your “definition” on food and food is wrong. Food is a so-called living food (raw fruit & vegetables, raw eggs, cereals or raw meat), food is a dead food (cooked eggs/meat, baked goods or noodles).

5 months ago

A healthy diet is for me the natural use of individual ingredients to prepare me from it a meal.

This under the aspect that it contains fiber, proteins, fats, protein, vitamins and minerals that my body needs.

Be it for breakfast full grain bread with cheese, or the evening meal consisting of potatoes, vegetables with fish .

Canned food, ready meals, frozen pizza or meica curry sausage on the package does not belong to this category.

4 months ago

A healthy diet includes a wide range of natural and little processed foods. It is about combining different foods from all food groups, including vegetables, fruits, whole grain products, vegetable and animal proteins as well as healthy fats.

5 months ago

Lots of fruit, meat, fish and vegetables. Best of all, as raw and unprocessed as possible. Little sugar. Much water. Move.

You can’t do more for your health.

5 months ago
Reply to  Hinterfrager1

Small adjustment: A lot of meat is unhealthy. It has been shown that high meat consumption involves health risks (e.g. colon cancer).

You don’t have to give up meat completely, but at least reduce consumption.

5 months ago

Healthy diet is a diet that takes the body as little as possible.

So, sweet, little meat

Eat balanced

5 months ago

Fruit vegetables, whole grain products, etc, but I am completely the opposite of healthy living. I smoke, eat a lot of chocolate and eat too little 😂

5 months ago
Reply to  Hartmut68


5 months ago

For me, that means:

I prepare my meals from unprocessed, regional organic products.
Finished products are not used at all, no bags, bags etc.

Most of it makes vegetables, legumes, rice, potatoes etc.
Animal products I take relatively little, dairy products etc. of bioland, meat only max. 1x a week directly from the producer.

Sausage, lime, chips, energy drinks, prefabricated food….this isn’t my place.
Chocolate is my weakness…..but it fits.

5 months ago
Reply to  BucksRebirth

Chocolate is my weakness….

funny….exact as with me ^^

5 months ago
Reply to  BucksRebirth


5 months ago
Reply to  Hinterfrager1

….yes bad

5 months ago

For me personally:

Water, unsweetened tea, water+fruit/Gemüse/Cimt/Ginger…



Whole grains


Nuts, seeds

5 months ago

No finished products, no finished sauces or powder, no cheap meat, frozen goods only vegetables, little fat, little sugar, little pork.

5 months ago
Reply to  AlexausBue

Right. And drink some movement and water…

5 months ago
Reply to  Hinterfrager1

Movement is right, of course, but I don’t count to diet.

And I did not mention the drinks.