Was ist typisch schwäbisch / bayrisch?

Guten Abend,

was kann es bedeuten bzw. was sagt es aus, wenn ein Mensch als “typischer Schwabe” oder auch “typischer Bayer” bezeichnet wird?

Es geht um einen bayrischen Schwaben.

Welche Eigenschaften, Charakterzüge und sonstige menschliche Eigenheiten könnte man damit verbinden? Eher negativ oder positiv?

Danke und Grüße!

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1 year ago

Swabians are quite pedantic and poke on their right. If a swab, for example, has reserved on the train, then he wants to sit on this one place. If someone else is wrong there, he insists on being able to take this place, even if half the remaining large-scale car is free and unreserved.

Everything has to be done as announced or as it has always been. Swabians are quite inflexible. So according to the motto “there are things going to be somehow regulated” there is not.

1 year ago

With us in North Rhine-Westphalia, swabs are considered to be economical, accurate and regular, while Bavaria is considered to be popular, traditional, home-connected (which seems to be a foreign word in Germany now) and cautious to “during”.

At first glance, it may seem spiessy, but at second glance rather than patriotic and home-loving.

Especially Bavaria seems to me to be those who have more ideas with our country than others.

1 year ago
Reply to  rotesand

I guess it’s because today everything has to be alternative, green, against the system to be cool.

Germany and the individual federal states have no more identity, as everything is poled for unification.

You don’t need virtues anymore, because you’re doing great without that. Why still be correct?

1 year ago


it comes to the person.

most of the Bayrians curse

is at least the case with one from my class;)


1 year ago

Swabians are perceived as very economical and greedy. There are often jokes about it.

1 year ago

The frequent use of ‘sch’ is typical of Bavarian swabs.

1 year ago

Typical swabs smile at the front and talk and intrigue back

1 year ago
Reply to  Quaeror

In contrast to the cool North Germans who do not even know how to smile. The weather up there is still colouring.

1 year ago

You’ve never been to Northern Germany. Long live the prejudice!

1 year ago

Certain people see the stops smiling, would be undeserved

9 months ago
Reply to  Quaeror

I can only agree with that. As Hamburger Deern, I returned to the land of my ancestors and have been living at the lake and the Swabian Alb for 45 years. Who claims that North Germans are stubborn, he hasn’t met any swabs.

You may come to talk more easily with a swab, but the conversation remains on the surface and pleases there. If you talk to the swab, he doesn’t take the appointment seriously. The North German is here and speaks.

Above all, I am constantly wondering about the Swabian working mates who work in front of themselves all year round and hardly get the teeth apart to the good-morning-seats, the fast-nacht breaks, the one switches around, are suddenly abandoned, cheerful and cumbersome. If Ash Wednesday is, they are again merciful and merciful, working towards themselves without saying Muh and Mäh.

8 months ago
Reply to  tachyonbaby

It’s probably something about the assertion that Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria are more suited to Austria from the mentality than the rest of Germany.

8 months ago
Reply to  tachyonbaby

That’s probably due to reciprocity. I am happy every time I am back in Bavaria from Hamburg or Schleswig-Holzbein. Zefix, this cool North German humor is just not my thing. Soap up there… 😅

8 months ago

lach – you could be right.