Was ist Steuer?

Jeder Mensch muss ja eine Steuererklärung machen und meine Frage ist jetzt. Was hat das eine Bedeutung? Also wenn Finanzamt kommt und sagt ich hab Steuerhinterziehung gemacht woran merken die das? Und was muss ich da bezahlen? Und warum kriege ich Geld wieder? Ich verstehe nicht

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1 year ago

“Every man has to make a tax return “


Otherwise (GANZ and exemplary simplified now) : The tax office determines for each person on the basis of their income how many taxes they have to pay. This can be seen from so-called pay tax tables.

However, there are constellations where you say, for example, “I have earned €50,000 and thus paid €5,000 pay tax – but actually I only earned €40,000 because I had $10,000 costs to run my profession at all. And for 40,000 incomes to be taxed, only 3000 € to be paid in the pay tax table –> Then there is 2000 € refund. Of course, you have to list exactly what the income to be taxed is supposed to be.

Maybe you have to pay MORE.

Tax evasion among private individuals would be, for example, : You work black / not registered and don’t pay taxes. Or you’re claiming in the pay tax statement, you needed $50,000 for professional costs – but that’s not true.

1 year ago

The state has a lot of expenses in which it is involved in the citizen. These are taxes. It must be paid at least from a certain level of income.

However, a tax declaration does not have to be issued to everyone, here it is explained who is obliged to:

https://steuererklaerung.de/ratgeber-steuer/pflichtveranlag-wer-muss-ein-steuererklaerung-abgabe/#:~:text=Selbstst%C3%A4ndige%2C%20 Freelance%20and%20Commercializing%20m%C3%BCssen,increase%202023%20%2010.908%20Euro.

The tax office shall assign a tax number to each citizen and your employer shall notify your income to the tax office. If you’re working black, so you don’t get a message about the amount of your income to the tax office, then it can’t be taxed and that’s tax evasion.

The duty is responsible for checking whether a work is registered or not registered.

You will get money back if you have had special expenses last year, which can be deducted from your taxes (the boss has already paid off your salary).

This may be travel costs, training costs, moving costs or renovation costs or other expenditure necessary.

1 year ago

The tax office shall assign a tax number to each citizen

No, only to the people who submit a tax return. Some with several trades even have several tax numbers.

However, the Federal Central Office assigns a tax identification number to each citizen. However, the tax number and the tax identification number are fundamentally different.

1 year ago

Everyone must make a tax declaration

No. Only the people who are obliged to submit a tax return. All others don’t have to make a tax return.

So when the tax office comes and says I made tax evasion, what do they remember?

Because sometimes it comes out that you rented a room without explaining this revenue.

And what do I have to pay?

In the case of deferred taxes: the deferred taxes + deferred interest and the penalty by the court if it is a fine.

And why do I get money back?

You will get money back if your actual tax is lower than the tax that has been retained in advance, for example, by the wage tax. This can happen, for example, by having a long working path.

1 year ago

Employees don’t have to make tax returns. The wage tax is already deducted automatically, the wage you get is already taxed. As an employee, however, it is often useful to make a tax return. For example, if you started a job in the summer, you were charged a monthly tax as if you had earned so much all year. With the tax return, the actual annual income is calculated, you get the tax paid too much back. Donations to certain organizations can be “deducted from tax”, i.e. they reduce your taxable income. With the tax return you will get a part of these donations back.

Selfemployed persons, on the other hand, have to make a tax return because they do not happen automatically. Imagine you run a sausage bud. Then you have to prove exactly how many sausages you bought (and serving, mustard, bread …), at what price the bud costs you rent and so on. On the other hand, the revenues are calculated, all of which results in a profit for you (hopefully) and this is to be taxed.

If you’ve sold more sausages than you give to the tax office, the tax evasion is. For example, you say that your fridge has broken, 2000 sausages you had to throw away. Actually, you sold them. Then your revenues are actually higher than you give them to the tax office, so you sell “by the tax”.

1 year ago

Everyone has to make a tax return and my question is now.

No, he doesn’t.

What does that mean?

You have to tell the tax office how high your taxable income was so that it can determine the amount of tax.

lso when the tax office comes and says I made tax evasion, what do they remember?

Well, if you’re making wrong entries and that’s coming out…

And what do I have to pay? And why do I get money back?

If your taxable income is lower than expected, you will get money back if it is higher than expected, you will have to pay.