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1 year ago

Would say the same to both…but, my father is simply admirable from his kind.

As he deals with heavy things and makes the best of it, is really, not only for us children also amazing for all other people.

Think family is family and so I love my father just as much as my children and grandchildren.

1 year ago


I think you can’t really answer that. It depends on the relationship with the parents. Parents educate their children and pass on what they have learned and know. They are part of you and you of you. They made you what you are today.

If they have guided you well, you will be able to pass on all the good.

You can love both sides the same, but if you had to decide, I would tend more to the children.

1 year ago

I definitely love my children more than my parents.

1 year ago

Normally, I would say that the love of parents for children is stronger. The love of children is primarily based on dependence. It is also part of the growing up to distance themselves from the parents at some point. This is often more difficult than the children. I noticed this myself this summer as my youngest brother moved out with my parents.

1 year ago

parental tie is fundamentally important for baby child so about 0-6 years, this parental tie of a child goes so far that it would all do just to please the parents and get love from them.

Unfortunately, it is a real problem that can still be pursued even in adulthood.

I mean, I’m 30 and I still wish I had a father I should have loved as a normal child…

But it is not necessarily love, it is a biological urine.

1 year ago

Depends on what relationship you have with your parents and how they treated you when you were small! With me, love for your own children is clearly stronger!

1 year ago

Actually relatively equal

1 year ago

Would say to the children… But only until they have reached a certain age 🙂

Scissors 🙂

1 year ago

Educationally definitely reversed.

1 year ago
Reply to  ewigsuzu

Oh, nonsense. If the parents don’t love their babies over everything, they would throw them all out of the window when they scream.

1 year ago

do some, some still much worse want to hear my childhood was really great, irony

1 year ago

Love doesn’t value, love feels.