Was ist so in eurer Manga/ Anime Sammlung?
Hey hey.. folgende Frage! Welche Mangas (ihr könnt ruhig richtig auflisten) und Anime Figuren/ Merch Usw. habt ihr Zuhause?
Eure Meinung zur Serie Peppa Pig?
Hallo Leute, ich möchte gern mal wissen welche Darsteller aus Dahoam is Dahoam euch gut gefallen? Und warum? Ich mag Kathi (Carina) weil sie nach meiner Meinung witzig und guten Charakter hat. Und sie hilft immer ihrer Mutter aus der Falle wieder heraus.
hey, wollte fragen ob es möglich ist zu 3-4. einen Acc zu machen, wo dann alle reinkommen können. Also dass jemand einen Acc erstellt und die anderen dann Amazon prime video auch benutzen können? geht das irgendwie?
Ich bin gerade fertig mit jujutsu kaisen geworden und wollte fragen ob jemand weis wann neue Folgen kommen? thx
Wenn jeder das Virus schon sowieso hat wieso ist der biss dann gefährlich und man verwandelt sich danach
Hallo habe gerade mit meiner Mutter einen Film geguckt finde aber leider den Namen nicht. Da ging es um einen Vater der 7 Jahre lang im Gefängnis war und danach rauskommt und versucht für seine Tochter da zu sein die aber nichts von ihm wissen will. Er war anscheinend flucht Fahrer und seinen Ex Frau…
Ich habe 1000+ Manga bei mir in der Sammlung. Darunter gehören Reihen, wie:
Dann besitze ich noch einige Anime DVDs, Light Novel, Games, Schlüsselanhänger, Tassen, Puzzle, Figuren, Cosplays, Hoody/Shirt/Kapuzzenjacken, Kissen, Poster, Artbooks und Fan-/Guidebooks
Light novel:
↑ (Kann dir nicht den ganzen Regal zeigen,weil teilweise alles rausgeräumt wurde. Weil er umgestellt wird)
Sonst habe ich noch eine Zero two Lampe, Itachi Lampe,Team 7 Lampe & eine Naruto Lampe.
Ich hab auch noch Anime Kuscheltiere.
-Pochita (chainsaw man)
-Pikachu und mehr Pokemon Kuscheltiere
Otherwise I have a few little things (anime stickers, anime keychains, chains etc.)
What time do we talk about?
It’s a lot for year.
I got Mangas.
– Demon Slayer
– Spy X Family
– Detectiv Conan
– Seraph of the End
– Seraph of the End: Guren Ichinose Catastrophe at 16
– Seraph of the End: Kyūketsuki Mikaela no Monogatari
– Oshi no ko
– A silent voice
– Blood Lad
– Dimension W
– Jujutsu Kaisen
Other Merch I still have some Pullis from Attack on Titan, Naruto, Demon Slayer and Oshi no ko, wall banners (the so?) by Nezuko Kamado, Ai Hoshino and Satoru Gojo, a giant picture of Sukuna and one with the Sunny and the straw hats
All dedectiv Conan hands or what?
All from 1- 104 and the Special Volumes, and Meanwhile Naruto and One piece 🙃
Most of the mangas I borrow from the library, then it would be quite more
I’m not counting everything now, but some mangas/somethings in my collection are:
Got some Light Novels too
And Merch I have among others a Naruto shirt, a few Funko Pops, a Rui figure (from Demon Slayer), an acrylic performer from the On or Off Collectors Box, a “Portrait” by Tanjiro on canvas (who had been a Christmas present, painted a girlfriend if that counts as a Merch), etc.
It could take a while to look around me!
Manga: Murcielago
Cheeky Vampires
Omamori Himari
How not to Summon a Demon Lord
The whole Akame ga Kill volumes, Akame ga Kill Zero, Hinowa ga Crush unfortunately no longer because that went so abruptly!
Komi cant Communicate
Dimension W
High Rise Invasion
Dolly Kill
Chocolate & Cigarettes
Kindergarten Wars
Full Metal Panic
2 ZKB rooms and apartment
Want a date?
Merry Grave and here and there are a few more!
Figures: Tenshi Hinanawi ( Touhou)
Power (Chainsaw Man)
Clara Valac ( Demon School Iruma Kun)
Albedo ( Overlord)
Rebecca (One Piece)
2 x Kurumi ( Date a Live)
And also some anime shirts and hoodies, e.g. an anime shirt by Esdeath and Chelsea.
Have not so many but I have a few dragon ball massive volumes, 1 hxh band and a 20th century boys deluxe band but also read a lot online
I have 2 manga (actually only one, but I just count the other)
I’m honestly full of digital.
I had a naruto cap, but that was it.
I only own Manga and Light Novel as Ebooks.
So far, I have only seen Haikyu,Your Name,Black Bullet and Assasination Classroom Mangas, so I rather watch the animes.
Have longer manga rows, overall it counts on the 350 manga:
Light novel
Figuren habe ich 5, ein Rimuru Plüsch, ,,Anime a history” + Selbstgemachtes und ich sammle Anime und Manga Postkarten
This may scare one or the other.
I don’t have anything in the collection except for 2025 “The Angel Next Door Spoils me Rotten”. Got it most on the Internet.
Play the thought, but so that one or other might also physically fetch.
What you had to talk about first. 😀
Interesting. What works do you think about?
Again. I’m not collecting.
I think on one or the other you could get on with yourself.
Perhaps: »Classroom of the Elite«, »Seirei Gensouki: Spirit Chronicles«, »Unnamed Memory«?
I have too many manga to list them all. Of course I have JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure.
Figures I don’t collect, I only have a Funko pop I’ve ever got (Kirishima by My Hero Academia).
As far as other merch is concerned, I would say it is mainly posters, tshirts and pullis. The one or the other button and keychain also flies around xD.
Mangas I have 1-15, and a Light Novel flower of happiness. Then Spy x Family, 1-5, Toilet bound Hanako-Kun, 0 and 1, and the first band of Attack on Titan.
Got three Funko-Pops, Inosuke, Nezuko, and Armin. A small Gyomei figure, a small sleeping Bachira figure and Levi. Besides, that’s a picture of Chigiri. Otherwise I have made posters and booths myself from paper.
1-15 of Demon Slayer, I mean.
Have Demon Slayer, Attack on Titan, One piece, Dragonball, Chainsawman, Spy X Family, Death note, The day I became Schleim, Yami no Matsu, small cat Chi and Cells at Work.
I have an inosuke, Shinobou, Tanjiro, Nezuko, Power and NoName figure. Believe that’s all I own…
One piece 💀
Hab Tokyo Revengers double volumes 1 to 14
and One Punch Man Part 1 to 25
and probably buy me the JJBA Steel Ball Run Manga
One Piece
Dragon ball
Seven Deadly Sins
Detective Conan
Record Of Ragnaröck
Tsubasa Chronicle
Defense Devil
Dragonball Super