Was ist schwerer? Chemie-oxidation?
Was wird schwerer bei der Oxidation. 1kg Calcium oxidiert zu Calciumoxid (CaO) oder wenn 1kg Blei zu Bleioxid oxidiert (PbO)? Verstehe diese Frage nicht, bzw. weiß nicht wie ich auf die Lösung komme 🙂
Was wird schwerer bei der Oxidation. 1kg Calcium oxidiert zu Calciumoxid (CaO) oder wenn 1kg Blei zu Bleioxid oxidiert (PbO)? Verstehe diese Frage nicht, bzw. weiß nicht wie ich auf die Lösung komme 🙂
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Hallo. Ich habe einen Stein bei einer Haushaltsauflösung geschenkt bekommen. Kann mir jemand sagen um was für einen es sich handelt? Er wiegt 5,9 KG Danke im voraus:-)
na, consider: Once you have calcium oxide (CaO), the other time lead II oxide (PbO). What is the difference between these two metal oxides?
Since in both cases you have an oxide anion per formula unit, it can only be distinguished by the fact that calcium and lead do not weigh as much, do you understand?
So you look for the molar mass of the two metals (which you find in each good period system of the elements), whose mass is larger and then know which of the two oxides will be heavier…
LG from the Waterkant
Thank you for your answer.
Does this in this case mean that lead oxide is heavier since lead oxide has a molar mass of 223 g/mol and calcium oxide has a molar mass of “only” 56 g/mol?
Sorry, I read you oxidizing 1 kg of metals in both cases. Since, in both cases, the same mass of oxygen is added, both reaction products in the end still weigh the same…
This is an analogous problem to the question: What is heavier, a kilogram of gold or a kilogram of feathers?
No, there is not the same amount of oxygen. The amount of oxygen depends on the amount of material of the metals, and this is greater due to the different molar mass in calcium.
The question relates to the change in mass which arises during oxidation. When an element is oxidized, it absorbs oxygen and a chemical reaction is produced in which the element is oxidized and the oxygen atom is reduced. The oxidation product generally weighs more than the starting element, since it has absorbed oxygen.
In the oxidation of 1 kg of calcium to calcium oxide, the calcium is oxidized with 1.333 kg of oxygen to 2.333 kg of calcium oxide. The mass change is thus 1.3333 kg.
In the oxidation of 1 kg of lead to lead oxide, the lead is oxidized with 0.667 kg of oxygen to 1.667 kg of lead oxide. The mass change here is thus 0.667 kg.
Therefore, the change in mass in the oxidation of calcium to calcium oxide is greater than in the oxidation of lead to lead oxide.
Completely miscalculated, ChatGPT
Nonsense, ChatGPT
Each atom has its own mass – you have with the same weight of calcium and lead so 2 different amounts of atoms – keyword: molar mass.
with the simple formula: m = M * n you can solve the task very easily.
m = mass (in g/kg)
M=molar mass (in g/mol)
n = quantity of substance (in mol)