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It’s hard to say. the mean value for the density of soil excavation is between 1.4 and 1.6.
This means your 4 m3 excavation can weigh between 5.4 and 6.4 tons.
6000 litres of water weigh about 6000 kg or tons. plus minus 100 kg or so, depending on temperature.
the specific weight of the mother’s base is, depending on the composition, 1.3t/m3 to 1.5t/m3 floor weight&ved=2ahUKEwjipqD–6eFAxXYi_0HZAsBYQFnoECA4QAw&usv
If this is pure humus/mother bottom, 4m3 (1.3×4=5.2t) of which should be even lighter than 6m3 of water (6t) with a higher Kies content, the weight (4×1.5t=6t) should almost be compensated!
I know that because my husband was busy in the earth/deep building for decades! Nevertheless, the link to the wall!
“I know that because my husband was busy in the earth/deep building for decades! Nevertheless, the link to the foundation!”
I find the expression “for underwall” so great and suitable! (full in the typical industry vocabulary!)
Depends on the temperature of the water and on the composition of the earth.
At about 4° C., the weight of 1L water is 1kg. According to 6000kg.
6 m3 water weigh 6 t…
If 4 m3 weighs 6 t, they would have a density of 1.5 g/cm3.
There’s something on it, but sand and rock have a density that’s a little higher! It might be 6-7 t.
Earth excavation ~ 1,8to / m3
Stones / Concrete ~ 2,1to / m3
Water 1to / m3
Now you can calculate your shares.
This depends very much on the composition of the earth.
I think it might be about the same.