Was ist nur mit meine Bruder falsch?
Hallo , ich habe eine Bruder der aggressive ist , er sucht immer nach Streitereien auch mit mir , und so er ist 13 , Heute als er zuhause kam hat er uns erzählt das jemand ein Böller oder so explodieren lassen hat neben ihn , und er hat uns gesagt das er an einem Ohr nicht richtig hören kann , dann hab ich zu ihm gesagt Gott hat dich bestraft , dann war er auf einmal aggressive und hat mich angegriffen
was ist nur falsch mit meine Bruder ?
If a child has hearing complaints, it belongs to the doctor, not convinced that health problem is a punishment.
No, you misunderstood me, I mean why he was so aggressive and attacked me.
And if I understood you.
Because this is an understandable reaction if complaints are not taken seriously.
He’ll be treated alone, not with you.
If you take him, just don’t tell him where you go, and then he’ll talk to the expert himself.
And how do I do that, but he doesn’t want me to be psychotherapy?
Of course not good.
But if your brother has behavioral problems, he needs psychotherapy.
He’s okay, but attacking someone directly?
Yeah, she is.
This, however, is not an opinion, it is a really insane, incorrect, and not yet helpful introduction. If I were your brother, I’d be mad.
But this is the task of bringing my parents to his doctor.
Devisible in such a nonsense you give from you.
Go with him to the doctor!
So I don’t know maybe he doesn’t understand the fun of you telling him that was just fun of you so if my brother tells me something like that then I wouldn’t answer you either or so I’ll be aggressive where I was little he always was fun and I always had to cry but I didn’t attack him or so
This should be of particular interest to your parents. Professional help would be useful.
My parents don’t care