Was ist nur los mit mir?

Zurzeit mache ich eine schwere Phase durch. Seit ungefähr einem Monat bin ich so hoffnungslos & traurig. Fühle mich einfach ungeliebt und ich habe das Gefühl dass ich manchen Menschen zu viel gebe, aber nicht‘s zurückbekomme. Warum nur ist das so? Warum fühle ich mich so? Meine Eltern lieben mich, jedoch habe ich das Gefühl dass es nicht reicht, als wäre diese Liebe die sie mir geben einfach nicht echt. Ich will nicht undankbar klingen, aber gleichzeitig erfüllt mich auch aktuell einfach gar nicht‘s. Fühle mich einfach todes einsam.

Schulischer Stress, Liebeskummer, Freunde, Familie.. alles wird viel zu viel.

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1 month ago

If you have grief, it can happen that you feel unloved. Alone in the world. Unknown. That makes the grief.

In addition, the learning stress comes, one tries to meet demands, perhaps fails. This has no positive effect.

It’s over again.

as if this love they give me isn’t real.

Yes, she is, but she can’t eradicate your negative feelings. That’s why it feels like it’s getting suffocated. If I have a positive feeling, but 4 negative – then the positive is in the minority and cannot prevail against all the negative. That is why the positive feels negative.

Nevertheless, the love of parents is real.

1 month ago

This has to do with spirituality nix.You are pesimistic.All have the same problems,almost all pupils.And all fight for happiness.You may want much too much to think about.And the gray weather is not in vain.From April you would go better.

PS: You have an acute problem.Here: Because of this you are unhappy.

Your asks are all about lustless but causing is lacking sleep.If you cannot sleep well enough, you will always think so.

1 month ago
Reply to  Heyho517

happy,I can always help you with a dad of 2 big daughter.Everything too much understands full and whole.But you can always handle this,you have too much to worry about the ears and head,of course you can not sleep well enough.Height.One after the other you can eliminate the whole face.LgHab just mut.