What's wrong with my gut?

Hello everyone,

I've been to the doctor several times in the last few weeks and given stool samples. At first my calprotectin level was very high, but after the last stool sample everything was fine again. That's the current state of things. Now I'm suffering from very loose and frequent bowel movements in the mornings, as well as flatulence. It's nothing new that I have to go to the toilet more often in the morning; I've had it for years, but I've only rarely had loose stools… Every now and then there's mucus in my stool, although that's improved now. I have these symptoms in the mornings, but my bowels calm down over the course of the afternoon.

Despite everything, it still bothers me. I hardly dare to eat breakfast anymore, and often I don't even want to leave the house, but I have to eat something in the morning. It's usually some ready-made muesli with oats or almond milk. I don't eat as much during the day either, and unfortunately, I eat a lot of sugar, like chocolate. I know it's not healthy, so I'm trying to cut down on everything.

Do you have any tips on how I could get these symptoms under control and what's going on with my bowel movements in the morning? 🙁

Thanks for your answers in advance.

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2 months ago

Mostly it is such a finished muesli

So sugar and cereals .

This is not a particularly good beginning .ES unless you do it yourself with fresh fruit.. Nut seeds etc..

And I personally even stopped Plant milk to consume, because there is cheap plant oil (which promotes inflammation) and other substances that damage the intestine. Often not even a declaration) .

oat milk is also a problem because it is also a problem in addition to the oil Blood sugar roller coaster in motion.

So I don’t eat breakfast anymore,but around 12 what salty .Gemüse,kartoffeln ,Tofu etc…





I would personally have the problem of evening and morning Floating shells start.

My chair is perfect as long as I build this one and degenerate immediately when I stop it ..as I can watch on myself since 2010.

  • Enough vitamin D3 and zinc supply is also important for a healthy intestine.Fermented foods urgently needed (sauerkraut raw )

Good improvement ⚘

2 months ago

. Better would be almond milk,the already has fat through the almonds.

But finished vegetables =No Go

2 months ago

In the case of a calprotectin increase, an intestinal level with sample extraction should be carried out in order to exclude a chronically inflammatory dosage.

2 months ago

There would be a number of questions. Possibly incompatibility or inflammation.

You have to let doctors know.

3 months ago

I’m just asking.

Calprotectin knows only an inflammation in the intestine.

And yes, you don’t have to answer here.

Since this should be done by the doctor. I can tell you from experience that it can be longer way to diagnosis.

Intestinal inflammation, I recommend you to eat hamost.

Evtl gluten incompatible? Fructose? Etc.

Allergy testing. If your doctor doesn’t get anything out, he’ll send you back to reflection.

And I advise you, go to the doctor and document your complaints and what you ate. As a kind of diary, he recognizes more. And what you did that day. (Sports on the couch, ) also the amount of drinking.

Good day to you

3 months ago

If you know the sugar is bad, let it go. I don’t understand. Anti-inflammatory food you can googlen. I would never take oat milk personally in connection with sugar and carbs – you will baller every morning full of the sugar bomb.

I would do it differently than written below, but there are also many ways. There are nutritional programs. Ultimately, you’ll find out that your intestine is inflamed – strong presumption. You can start changing something now.

Possibly unprocessed and lots of Omega 3.

Good improvement!

2 months ago

Instead of prefabricated vegetables (dry and too much sugar) simply make yourself:

Peat flakes, 1EL raisins or cranberries, 80ml water and once 1 minute in the micro or in a pot briefly boil.

1⁄2 apple small cut, 60gr natural yoghurt and a little more about 50ml milk or oat drink or the like, stir and eat slowly.

Toppimgs still go, e.g. 1 TL Leinsaat, Sesame, grated nuts,…

Fruits like to vary by season.

Sugar over day is often just a sign for thirst. Drink 1 glass of water or tea and wait 20 minutes. Mostly, the attack is sweet or reduced.

3 months ago

I often had digestive problems. Then I have two years sugar-free and vegan food. Then 4 years vegan, so far. I greatly reduced sugar. I’ve been much better since that. I’m just leaving industrial sugar. I’m sweet with Xucker or Dattelsirup.

3 months ago

Almost always had diarrhea in the morning. This is different for everyone