Was ist nun gesünder Mandelmilch (oder andere Pflanzendrinks) oder kuhmilch?
Ich komme echt nicht mehr draus
und wie lange hält sich geöffnete mandelmilch im kühlschrank?
finde die auch nicht sooo lecker.
kann ich morgen ein glas kuhmilch trinken wenn ich montags die periode kriege oder dann soch lieber pflanzenmilch
Herbal milk substitute has no nutritional value, vitamins and minerals are added to a large extent.
What does the period have to do with choosing your milk?
because cow milk makes the period worse and strong pain
No. It’s just wrong.
I can’t confirm that. I drink very much cow’s milk and have no problems with the period.
In the muesli I always make homemade fresh oat milk. Tastes best. Make me feel better healthily.
Cow milk is definitely healthier as it contains naturally calcium and other important substances that are important to the body. In plant drinks, these substances are only very little or no. Of course, you can also take supplements, but if you don’t want to be cow’s milk the simplest option:)