Was ist notwendig um ein Autohandel zu eröffnen?
Hallo zusammen,
gibt es bestimmte Voraussetzungen (wie z.B. Prüfungen) um eine Gebrauchtwagenhandelsgewerbe zu eröffnen? Gewerbe anmelden etc. ist klar… aber muss man dann noch extra irgendwelche Prüfungen ablegen?
You need a commercial license and the necessary start capital.
Buying things and selling them with profit can in principle be everyone.
No, everyone can do that…
No, no qualification required, but it is recommended for literature:
This can be done without further examination or knowledge.
However, you will get problems when you make accounting yourself, including taxes, because no knowledge, due to no idea environmental pollution, etc.
There are company-based courses where at least a little expertise is taught.