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Hi, Yorutsuki.
My coffee ☕️ in the morning is law.
Without this, I wouldn’t be able to use. 😂
Greetings, Renate.
Water refreshes and is healthy.
Not only in the morning my favorite drink, but at any time of the day.
Water as it is fast to get and you don’t have to prepare anything on the stove
Hi. Mostly it is tea ☕️. But milk is sometimes there. It depends, not always.
Just water that helps to get in touch without additives.
Some time after, maybe one or two coffees.
In the morning, my favorite drink is water. But I also like to drink tea and cocoa.😊
LG Maike🙃
Just whistle water. No coffee, no milk, no tea. Just water. When you ask me what I drink for breakfast, for lunch or for dinner: sprinkle water. I only drink tea when I’m sick and he’s sweetened with honey. Milk, if only milk chocolate and very rare. Fanta or Cola almost only in restaurants. Sprudelwasser forever. <=3
Get up and make a nice cozy tea – and fall asleep again…😅
LG NN (NikiNulsen)
Water with carbonic acid naturally.
LG Timggh
Coffee very clear
Water without sprout I get down the net
Without crap, if I drink water without sprout, I’m moving my face all that I mean exaggerate, but I’m serious
Later I drink to 90% tea but everything without sugar
Well, morning coffee, it’s just a good breakfast for me. And I don’t give up on it:-)
So usually a sip of water while waking up, then milk for breakfast.
Drink everything I drink at other times of the day.
A soft drink.
Iced tea, Cola, something.
Water or cocoa
At the moment, I need a huge glass of cold water in the morning… first a tea.
Just a few glasses of tap water.
Without coffee (and Ziggi) in the morning the day is messed up.
Coffee and nix different. I can even do that in half sleep.
I like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning.
First coffee and then mineral water medium.
Kombucba or juice
Me too. Coffee is law. ❣️🤗
The “real”
Fruit tea without sugar
And water.
Coffee and coffee.