What is meant by Sativa “Pure”?

Hello, for a classic school project, I asked friends if they could help me. Then a list came up and it said "Sativa Pur" such and such…
What is meant by Sativa Pur? And if anyone can tell me something about Durban Poison, it would be very helpful for my project.

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2 years ago

Cannabis is generally differentiated into the three categories of sativa, indica and rudderalis, with this distinction being seen critical by now.

“Sativa pur” would therefore mean to smoke a certain (Sativa) type pure, so not to smoke tobacco, as is widespread in this country.

Durban Poison is one of thousands of “strains”, breedings that are probably based on the Dagga that is common in South Africa. https://www.fr.de/panorama/king-khoisan-suedafrika-dagga-cannabis-marihuana-koenig-GO-garten-stamm-news-91239568.html

2 years ago

I simply think that the strain should be 100% Sativa, but what is unrealistic is that all varieties are hybrids, i.e. part of Sativa partly Indica.