Was ist mit meiner maus los?

Hallo ich will das hier kurz und knapp halten weil ich echt panische Angst habe. Ich habe am 06.12 Mäuse von der Schule geschenkt bekommen weil wir zuvor im Unterricht mit ihnen gearbeitet haben (sie mussten sich Wege merken nichts schlimmes) ich habe ihnen ein Laufrad reingestellt und eine läuft relativ oft und ohne Pause im Laufrad und seit heute Morgen (zumindest war das gestern kaum bemerkbar) läuft sie schräg und hat die ganze Zeit und Buckel auf dem Rücken (siehe Bild) ist das normal? Was ist das? Und wenn ich sie auf die Hand nehme streckt die sich lang und der buckelt verschwindet

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3 years ago
  1. What is this school that experimentes with animals and then gives away to students? (Animals are not a gift! And animal trials?
  2. If I already see the nipple drink, it is clear that there is damage to the posture, the neck of the animal is stretched when drinking
  3. Why don’t you inform yourself, wheels do exactly that, posture damage, the mouse runs like a “U” and when it falls out there are fractures
  4. If then take a big turntable
  5. Plastic has nothing to look for in prison (I don’t think you have a suitable beautiful terrarium, but such a plastic, wire prison) so I mean the red bowl.
  6. The litter is also wrong and not fair

Too bad if this really has to be your school, you should be these ads

3 years ago
Reply to  line050

go to the pages of maeuseasyl, as you will find information about a responsible attitude. The size of the nagarium should be too small.

3 years ago
Reply to  line050

What comes from the animal trade can still be wrong, because just an animal trade is just on the profit, plastic extra for mice there is not! Instead of being sad because I’m supposed to have no idea, make for the animals something good and inform you and notice only because an animal treat tells you what kind is right, doesn’t mean it’s that they just want to sell, and your school has made a mistake anyway http://www.diebrain.de/ma-tierwidrig.html And just because the mouse didn’t put any electrodes in the head, it was still an animal experiment that has nothing to do with the natural behavior, so malting

3 years ago

So I had hamsters and they were often plastered with their hands, so to speak, and then stood there with hump because they were on the hind legs. Very normal

3 years ago
Reply to  03queen
3 years ago
Reply to  03queen

Because of the crooked gait: observe this one more day and if not better, see if the ears are redd ear inflammation. But first watch 🙂