Was ist mit meiner Haut?

Hallo ich bin 18/männlich und habe jetzt bestimmt schon seit mindestens 3 Jahren so einen komischen Ausschlag der hauptsächlich am Oberkörper (also Oberarme und Brust) ist:

Besonders stark wird der wenn ich Sport mache und schwitze, dann jucken die Stellen auch sehr.

Ich weiß nicht, ob das etwas damit zu tun hat, aber ich habe auch so weiße Stellen am Körper, dass sieht man besonders an den Handinnenflächen (keine Ahnung ob das normal ist):

Meine Haut ist allgemein sehr empfindlich (das hat meine ganze Familie). Außerdem bekomme ich auch oft so Exzeme im Intimbereich, die dann sehr stark jucken/brennen und die ich dann mit Cortison Chreme einchremen muss, damit es weggeht. Außerdem habe ich die seltene Hautkrankheit “Lichen” an meinem Genital, weshalb ich kein Geschlechtsverkehr usw. haben kann.

Was meint ihr könnte das sein und wie kann ich das wegbekommen? Hat das vielleicht etwas mit den Ekzemen oder dem Lichen zu tun?

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2 years ago

GV also not with intimacy protection, rubber, presentation etc?

The thigh looks like puberty acne, which can be in hand like sun-non-contracts.

If I were you, I would radically change my whole way of life, no usual fats, no chemistry, other diet, special sun protection, etc.

2 years ago

This is an autoimmune disease that you describe.

You need special help. I myself would contact a rheumatologist and a skin doctor of the Charitee (no, that’s not a joke – you need specialists and no village doctors). I would also turn on a SPITZEN medical intern. If he is serious, he will welcome the cooperation of doctors.

2 years ago

I suspect a grater skin, or an allergic reaction to your shower gel.


2 years ago

I am not a doctor but looks like an allergy, so Google will say you die so ask one of the experts
Had it similar to yourself, if it were juxtaposed with you, only looked at the pictures and flew over the text, as I said no doctor and the description would have brought me nothing 😅

not mean evil 😁
might be a simple sun allergy but either you ask a doctor or live with it 🙏🏾

2 years ago

In any case, you should go to the skin doctor (yet).

2 years ago
Reply to  girlover

Then maybe get into a dermatological outpatient in a clinic. I’m afraid I don’t know what to do about “non-medical.”

2 years ago

Why don’t you check this out with your doctor?

2 years ago
Reply to  girlover

Laien here can’t help you either.

2 years ago
Reply to  maja0403

Why don’t you check this out with your doctor?

Best advice of the day. How did you get DARAUF?

2 years ago
Reply to  Roentghen

You could have saved that stupid comment. Especially in view of the problems already mentioned by the FS.

2 years ago

What does not change the fact that this question is not intended in a lay forum. Unfortunately, it is necessary to point out again and again.

2 years ago

I wonder what you want to achieve with your super-sex non-response:

Go to the doctor.

That’s what the FS was.

2 years ago

This is the only bad answer you can give. You should also distinguish between answer and comment.

2 years ago

Who did this stupid comment?