Was ist mit meinen zehen?

Halloo. Ich bin w14 und habe in winter so rote punkte an meinen zehen bekommen. Ich dachte erstmal, dass es nicht wichtig wäre, und habe manchmal auch da rumgekratzt. Und jetzt hat es sich sehr verschlimmert, das es jetzt nicht mehr normal aussieht. (Es juckt wenn ich z.B im bett bin und es warm ist). Danke schon einmal im vorraus (hoffe es triggert niemanden…-)

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2 months ago

Since it has worsened with you and itching also occurs, it would be advisable to visit a doctor or a dermatologist. This can determine the exact cause and if necessary recommend a treatment to alleviate the problem and prevent it from deteriorating further.

2 months ago

Don’t worry about it. Isn’t that normal?

I’ve seen something like that under the heading of Covid toes. You can google and watch the pictures on the Internet. This could be a consequence of the Corona disease.

Could be something else, of course. Especially when it aches. Let your pediatrician see this.

If you have caused an open wound by scratching, you should probably disinfect the wound and make a patch on it. To do this, ask best in a pharmacy. Nevertheless, from the doctor.

2 months ago
Reply to  Heizou

NoWay, everyone had ð

2 months ago

See if you have Octenisepthaut disinfection spray at home. If so, carefully put it on toes with a clean cloth or a paper towel. Early and evening and wait with the hull dress until it is dry.

The itching should then disappear slowly.

If it’s still there after a week and it’s still there, show your doctor. You can also show it before in the pharmacy if you have a nice pharmacist with whom it is not u pleasant to take off the shoes and stockings in the middle of the pharmacy. But don’t worry, you have nothing bad-she doesn’t fall, hahaha. 😂

By the way, you’ve got two funny “single teeth” and pretty, well-kept feet. 😊


2 months ago
Reply to  meivolga

Instead of pulling out shoes and stockings in the pharmacy you can also take pictures.

2 months ago

That should be a doctor. Maybe he’ll give you an ointment against itching and if there’s something inflamed.

2 months ago

Go to the doctor. Itching in the warm bed would be a typical symptom of cribs. But this can only be judged by a doctor.

2 months ago

Go to the doctor.