Was ist mit meinen rechten Auge los?
Seit gestern schon sieht mein Auge so aus. Es ist um vieles vieles rötlicher als mein anderes und zudem noch entsteht Eiter bei dem Auge. Dazu brennt es auch etwas direkt unter dem Auge auf der Haut (vergleich Bilder)
(Normales Auge)
(Verletztes Auge)
(normales Auge)
(Verletztes Auge)
wäre wundervoll wenn wer wüsste was damit los ist und was ich damit tuen kann^^
The eye is irritated by something. Go to the doctor.
I’m sure it’s an ophthalmologist that you should go to tomorrow.
Good improvement.
Any conjunctivitis? I’ve had so many times in my life, and I’ve looked like that. Your ophthalmologist will tell you eye drops, then it’s gone too quickly.
To the ophthalmologist, there seems to be severe inflammation in the eyelid.
Looks like an allergy, dog, cat, mouse, grass, pollen, dust you had last contact with one of these?
I have had a dog for many years (actually I had dogs for my life) and I never had any allergy
Technically and medically, only one ophthalmologist can help you if you don’t get a quick appointment, go to the emergency room of a clinic or contact the emergency medical service.
Were you out today or yesterday, probably near a tree you are against allergic. An allergy test can create certainty, but you should go to the ophthalmologist.
So my eyes also look like when I touch a dog, because I have an allergy to the 4-burner 😅