Was ist mit meinem Fuß?
Ich bin vor ca. 2 Wochen umgeknickt als ich mit meinem Sohn und Nichte gespielt habe, seit dem tut mir meine Außen Fußkante weh, der Schmerz hat ab und zu nachgelassen und habe gegoogelt das das vllt eine Zerrung sein kann und die nach 2 Wochen verschwinden sollte.
So, seit gestern habe ich aber richtig schmerzen und heute, also vorhin, ist meine Außen Fußkante angeschwollen und mein knöchel auch, mein Fuß ist auch nicht blau oder gerötet, aber habe halt jetzt nicht nur beim Laufen schmerzen sondern durchgehend und mein Fuß schwillt immer mehr an, hab auch eine Paracetamol Creme drauf geschmiert aber die schmerzen werden immer mehr.
Was könnte das sein und warum schwillt JETZT mein Fuß an?
No one can tell you what that is. You’re not gonna get around on a doctor’s visit.
Probably the load has worsened the injury.
Good improvement 🍀
So you don’t have to go to the doctor
there will have to be surgery – once X-rays can be anything from damaged long to break
Maybe it wasn’t a buckling? It’s a break. Accident surgery!
Get Wikipedia PECH rule and edit!
Maybe you put your foot too much then it gets worse. Go to the doctor
This can of course be a damage that has now become worse in the course of time due to the load. You should definitely go to the doctor.
That could be a fatigue break. You’ll let a doctor examine this tomorrow.
Up camps, guards, cooling could help you at night.
No longer cool 🙈 What are these tips?….
Cooling helps better against pain than “Paracetamole Cream”.
Acute inflammation is also possible. Cooling also helps.
But only 5 minutes 😜
The swelling has existed since “before”, so it has only recently occurred.
Of course you cool there.
Much too late for cooling and that has been outdated for a long time, you don’t make 😉
What does Doc Google say?
I mean it’s obvious to question Doc Google, I wouldn’t go to a studied doctor
Dr. GF is better. There you need vitamin D3, plenty of water and a Liebscher-Bracht exercise against flat feet.
you want to ask someone with medical knowledge. Are you ashamed of what are shamans for?!
Besides deus lo vult – God wants that he has painful so why should we interfere lol
Oh, not another person who tries to bully someone on a good question, either help me or get someone else on the nerves 😒
That is true and of such whistles there are here on GF unfortunately too many and the others want to mobb, although they have no idea!
You’re not being bullied.
Only as an intelligent adult person should you come to the doctor yourself and that 2 weeks ago
I didn’t want to choose any other words.
And you’re not being bullied by me anyway.
Move your foot to the doctor and listen to you as a victim
And as an intelligent adult, you should know that you are also respectful and friendly to other people. You might have reached more with another word choice.