Was ist mit Facebook Los?
Was soll das ich will mich nicht zeigen und warum dass ganze?
Und woher sollen die wissen wie ich aussehe?
Was soll das ich will mich nicht zeigen und warum dass ganze?
Und woher sollen die wissen wie ich aussehe?
Wieso wird sie in letzter Zeit auf social media so gehasst, vor allem das Lied Texas hold’ em?
Meine Cousine wollte schon seit einem Monat eine E-mail Adresse machen,aber sie weiß nicht wie ihre E-mail Adresse heißen soll.Sie will das in ihrer E-mail Adresse ihr Name,ihr Alter,ihr Geburtstag,usw. nicht drinnen steht.Sie hat mich schon ein paar mal gefragt ob ich ihr helfen konnte,aber ich hätte auch keine Idee.Es wäre sehr nett,wenn ihr Beispiele…
Guten Tag. Wo ran erkenne ich ob mein WLAN Verbindung gut oder schlechter ist? Ich habe jetzt als Vergleich von mein Freund sein Test genommen und bei ihn steht einfach bei Download 880 Mbit/s und bei Upload 30 Mbit/s. Er hat mit ein Lan Kabel sein Playstation 5 direkt mit sein Router verbunden. Und bei…
Ich wollte mich auf meinem Handy in mein Microsoft Konto einloggen, jetzt soll ich meine Identität überprüfen die nicht an mein Konto gebunden ist. Ich habe diese Email seit über 6 Monaten nicht mehr (kann sie auch nicht zurückholen laut Google). Ich kann an diese alte Email nur einen Code schicken lassen mehr nicht. Bitte…
Hallo, Kann ich einen Bot haben der wenn ich nicht da bin etwas schreibt? Möchte es nur aus spaß benutzen (ios user)
Facebook is supposed to have some fake websites. A friend once told me: Facebook shouldn’t be in vain, etc. Then explain to her: watch, wsl.Fake website! If the real Facebook page does such things, I will tell my contacts that I’m gone, so what I don’t have to give if you’ve already been forced to give your real name (while others obviously continue to use fake names!), there are new guidelines, I won’t do it permanently! Telephone or even via EXCHANGE contacts are then still possible to those who are really close to my heart! Interesting info, DANKE, I’m going to watch this on Facebook as well.Privacy, so for me this is definitely not part of what you should do on Facebook. Why the photos want to see? Supposed to be sure that only you can be? I could give you my entire resume on Facebook, no pleasure!
My dear I advise you fingering away from Facebook facebook has just become stupid they should take them on Instagram for example facebook is geldgeil sorry but facebook is geldgeil. They’re trying to get as many data as you can to sell them. Please stay away from Facebook if you are hacked you have a big problem facebook does not take that seriously Facebook claims that don’t understand against Rule facebook is no longer what it was mine I would recommend you stay away from this Assi platform. Especially since you are constantly being blocked because they don’t take this hacker attack seriously what I want to tell you is facebook doesn’t want us who just want your data I say from my own experience. Because you could also get to January 2023, Facebook got a shit on it.
Security measure. Totally pointless. You could upload everyone. I’m honest about that too.
Facebook is doof when you even let hackers on it and people who do nothing as hackers titled clearly Facebook is doof when you compare new registered with hackers ten times one and one together my dear it gives stupidity hurts. You also know why because Facebook can’t distinguish hackers with a normal person who just titles them all as criminals so you let hackers on it. And unfortunately, they won’t do anything without reason, so I say facebook is say stupid from my own experience.
It’s called FACEbook. (“Visual Book”)
If there are doubts about the authenticity of a profile, you can also check n photo or even n identity.
If you don’t like it, you can’t be there. Easy.
Originally, the page was designed to find friends, that’s easier to see if a photo is available. But you don’t have to take a picture of yourself, go a comic figure, or something else, many just take up their eye.
Did you even read the message from Facebook?
What I don’t understand is where do they want to know how I look? Because I can only use Facebook to log on to other apps
So why? Hmm.
That’s why. FB confirms your identity when you use FB to log in somewhere. To do this, you need to know who you are, or meta is probably criminal. Surely the image is also sent by a person identification.
If you refuse to do so, the previous registrations could also be away from other platforms.
So it may not be a very clever idea to use FB for such a thing.
Somehow you’ve noticed about “spicy activities.” Only individual users receive this request.
Is that new?. Just take some photo of a puppet or anything else?
Because they are also doof and cannot distinguish a person from a doll. 🤦
Yeah.. Do you think they’re looking for each one, or what?. many have cat pictures in there.
They will check in case of suspected activities. Then carefully.
Especially here, the user is precisely instructed to upload the kind of image to confirm his identity. It is expressly not a visible profile image.