What's wrong with this plant, does anyone know it?
Hey, I bought this plant, and it keeps losing leaves. So I recently submerged it completely and then hung it up again. But somehow it's not really doing its best.
Hence the question: Who knows this plant by name and what it needs?
Wow, you have a great plant corner!!! The plant on the picture is either an orchid (real vanilla) or a Hoya kentiana. Probably the latter because of the stem thickness. Anyway: Looks good, you guess you have a good room climate! Go on!
Hey. Ne ne ne orchid is not that – I know them quite differently. So that’s a hanging plant and it’s just stalling down 😀 Only this is kind of sick :(Doesn’t know too little light maybe?
Yeah, I guess it’s a Hoya kentiana
That’s what’s going on. Just gogled. It may be that either it was too dry or too wet. I don’t think I’m gonna pour them first, because finger sample makes me a fingertip. It’s always a little colder with me. Around 18 degrees during the day, at night below. I’m sure it’s like 16. So will a combination of temperature/moisture be? And the spring sun, is it strong enough?
I’m thinking more of a flower here:
https://www.plantura.garden/zimmer Pflanzen/schamblume/schamblumenplantportrait
Thank you. I put the plant a little brighter.
She is a real eye-catcher. ;
Yeah, and really nice 😁
Oh the flowers even 😀 ^^
I’m typing on a pubic flower.
Here everything stands for care
And why is it ashamed?
She looks great. Where are they supposed to be sick? That she throws a sheet here and there is a normal one.
She still looks top as she was recently bought. Individual leaves become yellowish, many fall off. It is definitely sick or she’s fine. The picture looks as if she is still good; but it was much more vital than that. Every day I can wipe a hand of leaves.