What's wrong with this plant, does anyone know it?

Hey, I bought this plant, and it keeps losing leaves. So I recently submerged it completely and then hung it up again. But somehow it's not really doing its best.

Hence the question: Who knows this plant by name and what it needs?

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1 year ago

Wow, you have a great plant corner!!! The plant on the picture is either an orchid (real vanilla) or a Hoya kentiana. Probably the latter because of the stem thickness. Anyway: Looks good, you guess you have a good room climate! Go on!

1 year ago

Yeah, I guess it’s a Hoya kentiana

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

I’m thinking more of a flower here:


aeschynanthusLosing leaves can have several reasons. These include:

Smooth temperature or soil moisture

To dark location

Change of location

Too low humidity

Wrong substrate and poor water removal, which leads to dams and root rot

If one of these points applies to your plant, try to counteract it, for example by placing the plant in a brighter place. With too low humidity, it can help to spray the plant regularly with lukewarm, low calcareous water or put it in a coaster filled with pebbles and water. Since the water evaporates, this also increases the humidity in the direct environment of the plant.

https://www.plantura.garden/zimmer Pflanzen/schamblume/schamblumenplantportrait

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

She is a real eye-catcher. ;

antnschnobe, UserMod Light

Yeah, and really nice 😁

1 year ago

I’m typing on a pubic flower.

Here everything stands for care


1 year ago
Reply to  kugel

And why is it ashamed?


1 year ago

She looks great. Where are they supposed to be sick? That she throws a sheet here and there is a normal one.