Was ist mit den Prinzipien gemeint (Ernährung)?

Hat das etwas mit Tier- und Bioprodukten, Klimawandel/Klimaschutz zu tun?

Habt ihr vielleicht weitere Punkte?

Danke im Voraus!

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4 years ago

This means that you are foods that are, on the one hand, full-quality, so that you do not take unnecessary empty calories and that on the other hand can also be produced and kept up-to-date. So regional and seasonal.

I.e. no strawberries in winter, no pears from Chile, no apples from New Zealand, no tomatoes from dry areas such as southern Spain, not every day meat, no steaks from Argentina etc.

More information about this: http://www.stmelf.bayern.de/sustainable-ernaehrung/

4 years ago

sustainably means that a process can theoretically continue indefinitely because it does not destroy the livelihoods. These are food from organic and regional production. Conventional production destroys the livelihoods (ground, groundwater, insects, birds, etc.) and transports promote climate warming.

4 years ago

No animal products, regional products, no products containing XY, seasonal products etc