Was ist mit Belle’s Mutter passiert?
Mich beschäftigt immer wieder die Frage, was mit Belle’s Mutter aus “Die Schöne und das Biest” (Realverfimung) passiert ist. Wieso leben Belle und ihr Vater nicht mehr in Paris? Wieso leben sie ohne ihre Mutter?
Mich würde es sehr freuen, wenn mich jemand aufklären kann.
As it is in the cartoon version, you don’t know, but in real filming you will learn that your mother was ill with the plague in Paris and died of it. They learned when they were at home with the help of the magic book in Belle’s old house and there found a beak mask that was worn at the time not to be infected with the plague. And since the plague in Paris was Maurice with Belle moved into a small town that was free from the disease and is because it was so beautiful there too.
Do you know what plague it was?
That wasn’t said. Only that it was the plague she died of.
Ah, okay.
Disney + mothers = dead
Simple formula 😄
Encanto? Vaiana? Rapunzel? In Ralph’s 2 this was picked up as a gag. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALr3kOfdtDo At 0:56 you see the orphans.
So basically? Nööööö.
3 exceptions? A lot or?
Well, everything is no longer “Disney” nowadays. If he had his fingers in the game, he would have more death and ruin. 😁
Aurora(Dornröschen), Tiana, Mulan, Merida(good, is actually Pixar). If you only look at the official princesses, you have a quota of 55% (7 out of 13) without mother. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disney_Princess
She died of Pest
Disney doesn’t mention Mother.
But if you are interested in what true people the story goes back, you can watch this docu. Also interesting
As far as I know her mother died of the plague
As far as I understood, the mother died. To the rest, I don’t know.