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1 year ago

I think she probably didn’t use the water.

Whether she’s still recovering, you know the last new drive. If the last driven sheet looks the same as the front sheet, then it becomes difficult.

But also the roots still present in the repot should have been meaningful.

I would now turn them bright, without drawing air, no longer pour until the surface of the earth is completely dried (although regardless of how long it takes) and wait. And hope for a new escape.

And in no case fertilize, even longer.

1 year ago

Your plant has a lot of stress due to overcrowding.

How long was she standing in the water and had you rinsed the roots well before and freed of the earth?

I would leave her alone and give her time to recover, would not be too much fertilizer (at pre-fertilized soil anyway).

1 year ago
Reply to  Grace966

Then it surely has already formed new “water roots”, root rot would have occurred relatively quickly.

It is best to just wait for the plant to recover and pay attention to growth. Depending on how much larger the pot is now, the force is first put into root growth. If the growth continues above, it is over the mountain.

1 year ago

Wrong care. alone the multiple change of the base (earth/water)