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Besides compartments are good enough, but in main compartments you should work urgently.
To calculate the certificate, you can compute all notes (5+3+3+3+4+4+4+2+1+3 =34) and by the number of subjects, in your case by 12, as the 34 is composed of 12 notes. Now you reckon 34 to 12 (34 divided by 13), which results in 2.83.
I can try to explain another example:
I have five ones and seven two on my testimony. (1+1+1+1+2+2+2+2+2+2+2+2 =19 – you just calculate all notes together)
Now you see how many graded subjects have, so all 12.
Now you reckon 19 to 12, the result is the cut.
I hope you understood the explanation.
Love greetings and a good night,
Reader’s share
Olaaa produkt️,
Your grade average is 2,833333333333333333333 better than 3 😁
LG ✨🦖🦖🦖
also blue
is bissel better than 3
You can easily find out your cut with the arithmetic means.
As a result, you add all your notes and then divide the sum by the number of your subjects.
And you’ve got your score
that would have to be a cut of 2.8 better than a 3🙂
It would be too embarrassing to prove to everyone that the 5 in math was fully justified. Much muscles and too little brain for the 2.8.
It would be embarrassing for me to write “that” rather than “that”.
…if you have no idea of spelling, not the questioner is, and you just want to make yourself important and simply want to make sense-free in between, that happens exactly.
If you have no idea, just Dieter Nuhr.
If you’re still alive before 1996, please. However, we have 2025 and today this is no longer correct. :
“The spelling with ‘β’ (that is) is no longer permissible since the German legislative reform of 1996 and is deemed to be wrong”
It is 2.8.
So the 5 in Mathe does not surprise me at all because of this question!
What is soooo hard to add the notes of all subjects and then to share with the number of subjects?!
I don’t know
This is not difficult, but laziness possibly paired with the hope of a bit of praise brand “boah, good score average”.
For the same reason, many here are “too doof” to use Google for simple questions … they are missing the attention of other users here ^.^