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2 years ago

kinematics is concerned with movement. The physical variables are mainly used in location, speed, acceleration and time. I.e. questions could be: “How far does an object come when it has been accelerated for a certain time with a certain acceleration?” or “How fast does something have to be to arrive in a place at a certain time?”

Dynamics deals with the cause, effect and transmission of forces. For example, the Newton’s axioms are introduced here, which make a very accurate statement about how forces affect matter. Often, a force leads to an acceleration, which quickly leads to kinematics, but within the dynamics it is more about what forces have to do with it. Energy and impulse also belong to this subarea, since they are generally very closely related to forces.

2 years ago

Kinematics and dynamics are two branches of classical mechanics that deal with the movement of objects. Kinematics is the study of movement without taking into account the forces that cause movement, while dynamics is the study of movement and forces that cause it. The kinematics deals with the position, speed and acceleration of objects, while the dynamics deal with the forces and torques that cause the movement.

2 years ago

with beautiful graphic representation of the term hierarchy.