Was ist kaputt?

Es kalt die Autoscheiben beschlagen und man muss wieder kratzen. Nur bei uns ist das so nach dem kratzen wenn das Auto warm ist mach ich die Klima Anlage an hinten die Heckscheibe wird dann frei ich sehe da wieder was naja die Fenster sind noch beschlagen aber vorne die Frontscheibe bekommt nur kalte Luft. Sogar die Sitzheizung geht nur die Frontscheibe bleibt beschlagen und das nervt jedes Mal Manuell das wegzumachen. Was ist den kaputt ??? Also ja lieber Werkstatt aber vlt hatte das jmd Mal und kann berichten.

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3 years ago

At frost, the air conditioning does not switch, so does not dehumidify the air and the panes. You have to work with warmth. Nothing’s broken.

The rear window heating and the seat heating have nothing to do with air conditioning

3 years ago

First clean the pane, you probably have a dirty film on it.

Then you should check if the humidity in the car is relatively high, maybe the carpets are humid or otherwise.

3 years ago

I don’t understand the sense of air conditioning when it’s not a climatetronic. Because it also controls the heating. And… at the low outside temperatures, the climate compressor doesn’t turn on! What makes it a sense to cool the air and then reheat it with the heater?

The only logical is to turn up the heating and blower to level 3 or 4. To this end, the front panel should be equipped with DEF (defrost).

Has worked before without climate!

3 years ago

You need to place the heating on “future” instead of “circulation”, select full power and the nozzles on the front panel.

If the car is very busy inside, look under the carpets. It should be dry there. Otherwise, you can lower newspapers and switch more often to remove the water. And look where it comes from.

3 years ago
Reply to  holgerholger

“You have to place the heating on “future”…

And then summer or what?

3 years ago
Reply to  hotrod66

Hopefully. Incoming air, not future. I hate car correction.

3 years ago

It takes a while to warm air. If there’s only cold air, I’d suspect the heating was broken.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bonye

you are talking about

3 years ago
Reply to  NicoDehn21

No I’m ruined if there’s no heat

3 years ago

Remote diagnosis does not work

3 years ago

what’s that exactly broken? is it leaking? What is it?

3 years ago

At my opening I can put the blower on very strong, directed to the windshield. Look at the user manual of your car.

3 years ago
Reply to  Bernhard554

Switch on air conditioning when the discs are turned over the meaning of the whole.

3 years ago
Reply to  Zanderfreund

Climate in winter when hitting (also frozen) slices makes a lot of sense, as it dehumidifies the air strongly and then no longer hits the slices much faster. With many cars, it is also switched on at work so that it always switches on when you adjust the heating to the front panel. However, the air-conditioning systems no longer switch on from about 3 degrees outside temperature, is a protection for the air-conditioning system so that the system does not consume.

3 years ago

That’s right. But there are also days when you get out in the morning, out there are already 5 degrees, but slices are still frozen because the car is somewhere in the shade where the slices are not yet thawed, although no more frost is. Then the climate still runs ☝

3 years ago

Switching on air conditioning does not make any sense in frozen slices, because it does not work at Frost. You have to put the heater on hot (when automatic air conditioning) and the blower on full level and direction windshield and wait …

3 years ago

Yes, these are too rare, heated front panes are great 🙂

3 years ago

at even lower temperatures I have windshield heating in the car

3 years ago

Records could make your record understandable.

Have you checked the state of the cooling liquid?

Otherwise, remote diagnosis is not possible, let it check in the workshop.

3 years ago
Reply to  hotrod66

what does the cooling liquid have to do with the air conditioning and the rear window heating?

3 years ago
Reply to  hilflos99

It was about the not functioning heating.

3 years ago

Then shut off the climate and shut down on blowers, and see that it works to clear the windows.And don’t forget to turn on the rear window heater.

3 years ago

Beat inside or out?

Air conditioning is not the same. There are manual systems, because one has to regulate temperature and air distribution itself and constantly, and there is the climate automation that automatically regulates the air distribution and air conditioning of the vehicle after a presetting. This priority is given to heating the interior. Therefore, the windshield gets little or no warm air. It is therefore necessary to intervene manually in this regulation. There is a so-called defroster circuit. For this purpose, the pressure of a button is usually sufficient. Which is exactly what you need to find out from the user manual of your car.
A sharply from the inside front panel indicates a lot of moisture in the car. The air contained in the vehicle must be dried by the kliam system. To do this, the system is switched to circulating air. If possible, not into the car with wet clothes, which only favors the whole.
Does the system need extremely long. or it doesn’t work, a water break into the vehicle could be the case. Other possibilities are defects in the air conditioning, the dryer, or that the air conditioning system has no function due to lack of refrigerant. In the last case, the compressor switches off to avoid damage. As a result, the air dryer does not work. Then, even on the move in damp and cold weather, the windshields can be beaten inside.

3 years ago
Reply to  ZuumZuum

I even learned something again! The humidity in the interior was new to me, thank you!

3 years ago
Reply to  ZuumZuum

Air conditioning has no extra air dryer. The air drying happens by condensing at the evaporator. And if it’s cool enough out, normally the climate doesn’t turn on…