Was ist hier auf der Lunge zu sehen?
Hallo, ich hatte heute ein Röntgen des Thorax. Die Ärztin wollte plötzlich nicht mit sprechen und es wurde mir nur eine CD übergeben. Der Befund soll an meinen Facharzt geschickt werden.
Ich habe dann mal die Röntgenbilder angeschaut und war von dem kleinen runden Punkt verwirrt. Was könnte das sein?
Bei meinem Facharzt bin erst wieder in 3 Wochen vorstellig.
As Maxxismo has already said, this reminds me of a foreign body in some form when embossing. Probably in the clothes.
If it were serious, by the way, you would talk to you as long as the radiologist is not completely sacked or send you to the hospital in case of emergency. Then you don’t just skip the doctor’s conversation so no stress
I had no clothes at the time of the X-ray!
Call at the practice and ask the doctor’s letter/finding, that’s your right. Proper juice shop if they just sent you away, either doctor’s talk or stop expression should be
Well, I know there are a lot of bottlenecks in the medical field. I’ll call on Wednesday and ask nicely 😊
The result is delivered to the requesting doctor. He won’t be created immediately.
If a so-called lung-rounder is to be explained further. Depending on age, there are different possibilities. Most of them are good.
Looks like a foreign body in clothes…
Or a port?
that’s not a port.
I had no clothes at the time of the X-ray. I can exclude a port with me 😂