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The identity and private life of Ted Bundy’s daughter are not publicly known, and there is little to no information about how her life looks nowadays. Ted Bundy, a serial killer, was executed in 1989. It is known that he had a long-standing relationship with a woman who was known at the time when Liz Kendall and with whom he had a daughter before his criminal activities came to light. The daughter and her mother preferred to live a life outside the public interest. It is important to note that the privacy and well-being of people who are not public figures should be respected.
Thank you. I only care what is now with him
You don’t know, only he’s convicted.
The child had Bundy not used Liz Kendall but Carol Ann Boone, with whom he was also married.
It’s just like at the time at the high-ranking Nazis after the war. The families didn’t want to be in the spotlight, because they were ashamed of their high-ranking Nazi family members. Some of them even assumed other surnames.
I think with Ted Bundy’s daughter it will be the same and she will lead inconspicuously somewhere a medium-sized or poor life in the USA or perhaps even abroad where she knows even less.
Yes may be:)
Google seems to know “best”.
Have it entered in ChatGPT 😂