Was ist günstiger?
Bahn oder Auto (monatlich)
Bahn oder Auto (monatlich)
Hey, ich bin M19 und zurzeit in WA Australien. Ich weiß ich bin noch jung aber ich bin seit klein auf leidenschaftlicher Angler und lebe hier in Australien meinen Traum. Gleichzeitig habe ich einen super Job auf einem Fischerboot, verdiene viel Geld und habe die Möglichkeit mehrmals geboten bekommen länger oder sogar für immer zu…
Hallo liebe Community, ich habe eine Frage zu dem Motorradführerschein da ich irgendwie mit googlen alleine nicht weiterkomme. Also ich bin 20 und jetzt gerade dabei meinen Autoführerschein (B) anzufangen. Ich möchte gerne direkt danach mit dem Motorradführerschein weitermachen da ich das früher oder später eh möchte und ich gerade einfach die Zeit hab und…
Hey, ich habe ab September das Deutschland Ticket, jedoch läuft das über die email meines Vaters. Wenn ich nun mit diesem Ticket irgendwo hinfahre, bekommt mein Vater dann eine email wo ich hinfahre oder wo ich bin? es ist vielleicht eine dumme Frage, aber ich hab dazu keine einzige Antwort gefunden liebe Grüße
Hallo Ich bin mit meinem Freund 2 Jahre zusammen und in den Jahren habe ich gemerkt welches Verhältnis er zu seiner Mutter hat. Er hat ständig viel stress zuhause muss immer gerade stehen wenn seine Eltern streiten und wenn er sich nicht zu seiner Mutter stellt macht sie ihn immer vorwürfe und vergleicht ihn mit…
Moin Leute! mich habe einen Mini R58 JCW der schon beinahe Endstufe getuned ist. Leider wird da nicht mehr viel gehen (Leistung bei 262ps) und der kleine 1.6er wird’s nicht mehr lange halten können. Ich würde gerne einen größeren und stärkeren Motor einbauen lassen mit Getriebe bspw den 2l Motor aus dem GP3 mit dem…
If I bought a monthly ticket here, I’d be over with about 80-100€.
However, I already pay about €60 per month to FTC insurance, plus fuel costs: 50 km per day, some 22 are 1100 km per month. At an average of about 7 liters per 100 km, the 70 liters would be, i.e. €119. If I’m expecting 40€ per month for the inspection, I’ll get a total of about 221€ for the car compared to a maximum of 100€ on the train. Advantage Monthly card: I can drive around all traffic connections, I would have additional costs in the car.
The car is only worth more if you really have only a few kilometers to work (up to 5 I would say now), or the ÖPNV is virtually not existent. I’m still privileged in my little place.
It depends on how much you drive. With me the car is currently cheaper (of maintenance)
You can’t say that at all. Depends on where you drive when you drive, how many people drive, whether you need a car anyway…
I’ll take an old pendulum line from me as an example:
ICE month card €273. Total shuttle bus and train lasted approx. 1:45h when well ran, of which 1h in ICE where you sleep or Working could.
Car: ride takes without traffic ca. 1 hour, almost twice as fast, you can’t do anything about it.
Costsdistance 95km. Consumption about 7 liters/100km. I’ll take the “normal” gasoline prices of 1,50€/liter. Cost per month: 95 km*2 * 22 working days per month = 4180 km. Consumption 4180*7/100 = 292,6l. Costs 292,6l*1,50€=438,90€ gasoline costs per month. Then 200€ liability per year, 80€ tax, loss of value for used car approx. 800€ a year. So we are about again. 100€ on top per month. Maintenance and repairs are also on top.
–> Car costs twice as much as rail in the case. At 2.20€ gasoline price, logically even more.
Since there is neither THE ticket nor THE maintenance costs for a car, this general question cannot be answered. On the specific route you can calculate the costs on the basis of the cost of your car yourself.
Our car costs over 1000€ insurance per year. In addition, every two years of service and TÜF , and fuelling of diesel every 14 days. Driving by public transport is considerably cheaper. We got our car off.
LG by Manfred
Nothing from both.
Car costs fuel, maintenance, insurance
Train has to be close to the railway station, otherwise bus or so must be expected.
car is flexible
At our Öffi prices here the car is cheaper. Even at a discount price of €2.10, the train would be more than €20 more expensive if I only take into account the working path.
All in all, rail would be cheaper, but then I could go shopping with the Boller car 😆.
Here clearly the track:
Always depends on the individual case.
In addition, time is money
Invoicing full costs.
This may surprise you, but:
It depends.
Bin soldier and drive for free train ..from therefore 😂😂
In order to get to the car at all, you have to invest several 1000 €.
Depends on the exact circumstances. The train is unfortunately very expensive. A small ecar you can drive with the AM driving licence can be cheaper.
It really depends on the exact circumstances. If I would work 30 kilometers further, then one per direction costs me approx. 18 euros.
There is no monthly ticket from the Transport Federation.
Or I’ll buy a monthly ticket for more than 100 euros and 2 extra tickets every day.
Or a railway card 50.
Now you have to figure out how much it costs.
Over 8 years, could actually become a zero sum game from it. Or sacrifice some more money, and enjoy the “comfort”
The car is never cheaper. The loss of value and repairs are missing in most comparison invoices.
Yeah. What’s with no one?
Right, there’s a greater danger in the train.
Definitely train.
What the car costs me to service and maintenance alone, help
Of course the train
Have a company car at the 0 fare – company overnimt 100% of the cost.
A retribution without the significant loss of value.
As well as maintenance and full-cassing expenses that do not fall away with new (electro) cars