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If you do not always meet the wishes of others. It’s your life, and you don’t have to justify rejection. No is a whole sentence. Love
Thank you for the Golden Star.
Only if I’m okay, I can help.
Finanziell: If I have nothing or just enough to survive, I can’t finance you.
Physically: I sit in a wheelchair, it’s much harder for me to provide you as a bed-smooth care case.
Psychically, if I try to help you out of shit, trigger me too much of your problems.
When I first see that MIR fits everything – only then can I basically be there for others.
The realization that you have to worry for your own soul good before helping others. Because you can’t really help others if you’re broken.
If you can see when it’s appropriate that you’re in the first place.
That also includes other people.