Was ist für euch risikoreicher?
Angestellt sein oder selbst Chef des eigenen Unternehmens sein?
Für mich eindeutig Angestellt, das ist für mich hoch risikoreich.
Angestellt sein oder selbst Chef des eigenen Unternehmens sein?
Für mich eindeutig Angestellt, das ist für mich hoch risikoreich.
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At the moment, I don’t think the risk is so high to lose my job or find no new one.
I therefore see the risk as a self-employed hoeher.
Rich in risk is self-employment. Pleite, misinvestment. You never arrive at the market. etc. you can suddenly lose everything.
Being hired basically only has the risk that the career does not give up what you hoped for. Job loss (by fimenpleite or dismissal) can now be intercepted without great losses to the new employer.
Conclusion: The chances are higher in self-employment, the risk is completely overthrown but also.
It is not an objective view, but a subjective. How is your subjective opinion about it?
You know mine, I feel it very different than you gave it here in the comment.
This is my subjective opinion.
In addition, because many do not understand this: liability questions can also drive one into bankruptcy, possibly also punished, such as bankruptcy (depending on legal form).
However, there is also an employee liability, that should never be forgotten in return. This is, roughly formulated, significantly milder, but existent.
In the case of an individual company, even the private existence is affected, by the way with a GbR. Only one keeps the head for others, not only one’s own.
The emphasis should be on these days, and the labour market looked different a few years ago.
The boss has a scarcely measurable mental stress, but he is responsible for an “imperium”. I wouldn’t want to do that. And if he privately cultivates a somewhat luxurious change of life, then the economy is not at all important. The fates of his employees are greatly affected by bankruptcy. LG
But it’s about you. What do you say?
What is more risky for you? Regardless of other persons affected.
I’d rather be an employee.
…as an employee, you don’t have to worry about anything, have regular free and leave, bear little responsibility and are safe from the front to the back – even if you’re sick, the salary goes on. If you don’t have a bock anymore – the next job is waiting. You can’t do anything.
You don’t have that in self-employment. As owner you are responsible for everything and bear the entrepreneurial risk – the market collapses, customers break away or don’t pay – all your problem – you have to go on.
But do you see this subjectively, or is that an objective view?
Objective and subjective.
Being employed is extremely risk-free.
Your goals may change, with 20 years you think there are other things.
So to your subjective risk:)
A lot of success in achieving targets.
No, it’s about risks. It is a risk not to reach my goals.
Perhaps I have reached my goals:) And whether this has been done or done independently, you can think of yourself.
So you’re talking about goals, not about risks – then write it like that!
We only have different goals. Your goals are accessible as an employee. Not mine. Not reaching my goals is an extremely high risk.
I do not have that as a self-employed person, it is up to me to reach my goals and not to external factors that I cannot change.
…maybe we have different definitions of risk.What is the risk of an employee or which of these risks do you have as a self-employed person?
Yes I see it differently, for me this is associated with high risk.
Since I was both, I can say that it doesn’t make any difference because most people have the stuff to both.
How did you get the experience that most of them have the stuff to both? I find more than 95% of people are not self-employed.
I also thought that the majority are not raised to self-employment.
But you think most people have the stuff to both?
It’s very risky if you don’t know.
As an employee, you have zero risk and a fixed and secure income. A self-employed person can only dream of this. The fact that one can earn significantly more by self-employment is out of question, but that does not reach everyone and some even go to Pleite.
As a boss, you have certain responsibility and usually have to know everything you do in your own company. Of course, a boss earns more than an employee, for that, employees get safe salary and more leisure
You don’t have much more free time.
Even a boss doesn’t have to know everything. Do you think a boss of nem 10000 employees company knows about accounting, taxes and other things he doesn’t know about?
The head of a company with 1000 employees can know the expertise
However, I have not yet seen a “self-employed” who has founded a company with 1000 employees away from the place.
Of course, the boss has to know everything. Because whoever runs a company has to take on certain responsibility and things that the boss can’t do in his own shop shouldn’t be boss or even don’t think about becoming self-employed. Accounting is even very important in your own store and that every boss should be thoroughly involved, even if a tax advisor is helpful. This has been so for a long time and a lot of calculations and good communication also belongs to it. You shouldn’t underestimate the skills as a boss. There’s nix just leaning on the boss’s armchair, and workers watch tralala and cash.
Depends on where you work. Anyone who is employed as a manager or manager can find something else and only in large companies. Normal workers are more likely to stick to 40h a week or 48h
A boss MUSS is good. But not in everything. Do you think Elon Musk is doing ALL himself and knows herself perfectly? You must be very naive.
I’m not a millionaire.
All right. Then you just have any fantasies in the suitcase on the parat and pretend you’re millionaires without working properly with brains. Don’t talk to me if you’re so successful, yet just underestimate the ability and tell any dirt without a clear mind, boss doesn’t have to be good, just hints to just tell nonsense and just indicate you’re Rich. No wonder why no one can take your jelly seriously and have seen enough people with the same contributions anyway. Most likely you are the same user, only new account and always tell the same crap
Let’s see the comments… I’ve met very rich and powerful people. Such people are untouchable to you as an employee.
Promote to the boss? Then you’re an employee and not a boss. All right, I’m doing my job with bravur.
No. I have 3 trades and I’m older than 18. As a trader, you can’t do anything for money.
I don’t care, be hired, what do I care? It’s nothing for me, but is your life, you need to know what’s good for you.
A bookkeeper is not too expensive.
Tax consultants are twice as expensive if not anymore.
The one who has never met a real boss before and never knows what kind of preconception a real boss has is you.
Dumme bosses would be if you don’t know what he’s doing in the store and just have to take over the boss thing for jmd others.
Again a next Toastbrot post, where only Hartz 4 snorrers have labed and never worked
It’s a clear sign that you’re a bad boss or you don’t get to the boss.
Are you again an 18-year-old trader who can only specify as a self-employed person for nix do coal and make fun of workers because they are not independent?
Do you have an APPLICATION, what a good accountant costs? One bad you can remember
Yeah, yeah, you’ll know.
You’re funny. I don’t know about entrepreneurship.
No, you shouldn’t. Accountant and he’s supposed to do this. It’s just gone to DUMM when you deal with it. Someone who runs such a company will go down. But how do you know?
You don’t have to tell me what it looks like, you’ve got 0 Zero Nada.
It also depends on the entrepreneur. Know some few who work less than VZ forces.
Most sog. “self-employed” who write in this way are so close to their resources that they can’t get a tax advisor LEISTEN. If they even have a FINDEN.
He buys it.
I haven’t seen it yet. Nevertheless, the self-employed must know exactly as little. The tax adviser has no firm employees, has no external accountants instead of fixed employees. Uzw.
What is risky about it? Employees are very protected.
With self-employment, I always have to think where I get my customers.
I was just talking about my situation.
I don’t achieve my goals as an employee. It is therefore highly risky.
Then you should write that you can’t do it as an employee.
But I don’t know how to have a lower risk as an entrepreneur.
So I’ve been thrown out 3x, protection back or forth. I think both are the same. An entrepreneurship has the advantage that one can realize oneself.
I don’t think…. he doesn’t hold it out
I’d rather be very silent.
I know what he’s going to deny it again… no matter how ridiculous it is.
That’s it.
Not “again someone “
It’s “He” again
Then I’m self-employed.
Oh, he’ll soon give a contract…
Oh, so…. Again, someone who means being rich without great use.
It’s not self-employment.
He operates trading with foreign capital
You’ll hardly describe it here.
But with what you do business without risk, that is very interesting (if there is actually something about you).
Countless murders!
Why not? What is that statement? What’s wrong with you?
Not for you as I said. I have no risk.
There is no business without risk.
It’s not a risk to me. What it is for you is your thing. I’ve never had a risk. I had that as an employee
A business without risk?! There isn’t that unless you’re heritage….
As I said, I am able to achieve my goals and dreams. I don’t have any risk or stress, as I would have as an employee every day.
With everything I subsume under risk, I see this as a self-employed person higher.
There are many different types of risks. What exactly do you understand at risk?
In that case, the risk is that I would not achieve my dreams and goals. It’s high-risk. What if you take exactly is simply impossible. To 100% impossible, there is less talk of risk when I think about it. Just be stupid.
Also a trade can be highly risky, that is not an argument. If you would claim your special way and your special business will allow you to reduce this risk, then I have no problem with such a statement at all.
But with your flatness to extend your special case from your point of view to all self-employed, I have one, because a self-employed MUST avoid such flat-rate judgments.
are yours, but never automatically other people.
Okay, I might have confused you with your old account. The then questions were very similar from my point of view.
I’ve never flattened, but I’ve always talked about myself.
Where did I say that? 😂
As an employee, you have the risk of being released, but then you have the right to AlG 1.
As a self-employed person, you work SELBST and STÄNDIG. Paid holiday is not available and 6 weeks are sick, means bankruptcy quickly.