Was ist für euch alles Kalorienarm?

Hi, diese Frage meine ich, was Warme Gerichte angehen. Soweit ich weiß, sind so Sachen wie: Püree, Spinat, Gekochte Kartoffeln mit unter 100kalorien auf 100g eher kalorienarm.

Nun wollte ich aber von euch noch lesen, was Ihr noch denkt, was Kalorienarm ist ?

Danke 😉

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1 year ago

(Fast) all vegetables, unless prepared with too much fat. Almost because the limits to legumes are partly sponge and then it becomes a bit more contentful (e.g. edamame).

In fish you have to look, the spectrum is large, but approx. 1/4 of the typical edible fish have under 100 kcal/100g: Seelachs or Pengasius are, for example, virtually fat-free and thus very “light”

Egg-clear is also low calorie, but also somehow quite unlecker.

Still satiating supplements. Natural rice, potatoes, quinoa are actually always under 100 kcal/100 g after cooking.

1 year ago

Calorie tables are ubiquitous, of course also on the Internet, so you can save yourself money.

However, a diet according to the amount of calories rarely leads to long. Slim.

1 year ago

Brokkoli and pumpkin are low in calories.

1 year ago


some legumes, fish and what with water increases the volume, so couscous etc

1 year ago

Most vegetables