Was ist für euch alles Kalorienarm?
Hi, diese Frage meine ich, was Warme Gerichte angehen. Soweit ich weiß, sind so Sachen wie: Püree, Spinat, Gekochte Kartoffeln mit unter 100kalorien auf 100g eher kalorienarm.
Nun wollte ich aber von euch noch lesen, was Ihr noch denkt, was Kalorienarm ist ?
Danke 😉
(Fast) all vegetables, unless prepared with too much fat. Almost because the limits to legumes are partly sponge and then it becomes a bit more contentful (e.g. edamame).
In fish you have to look, the spectrum is large, but approx. 1/4 of the typical edible fish have under 100 kcal/100g: Seelachs or Pengasius are, for example, virtually fat-free and thus very “light”
Egg-clear is also low calorie, but also somehow quite unlecker.
Still satiating supplements. Natural rice, potatoes, quinoa are actually always under 100 kcal/100 g after cooking.
Calorie tables are ubiquitous, of course also on the Internet, so you can save yourself money.
However, a diet according to the amount of calories rarely leads to long. Slim.
Brokkoli and pumpkin are low in calories.
some legumes, fish and what with water increases the volume, so couscous etc
Most vegetables
A selection: