Was ist eurer Meinung nach die Preis-Leistung beste Grafikkarte?

Servus Leute, ich hab seit 2 Jahren die radeon rx 6600 egeal von AMD. Jedoch ist die Grafikkarte mittlerweile zu schlecht und ich bekomme in Spielen wie CS2 nicht mehr als 120fps.

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4 months ago

There is a ranking list for HardwareDealz on the website


The area

4. Price (FPS per euro)

the one that refers to your question.

Of course, an RX 6600 is only to settle in the lower entry area nowadays, but for FULL HD Gaming it is still completely sufficient in the e-sports area like CS2. You really don’t need 120 FPS and more. E athletes have a shorter reaction time which is shorter than the average but 21ms still mean that even at 50FPS only 1Frame is between reaction and display. The high FPS rates ensure that a picture can be seen more smoothly. But a higher FPS rate itself does not produce better players.

As much as facts, because I know these are irrelevant to most and it often comes to my own feeling.

I play with the PC only games where it doesn’t matter to the FPS number, usually older titles, and since I like my brother thinks I’m a musculoskeletal engineer, I also play simulations and other games where I don’t get caught.

And even if my monitor only FullHD at max 75Hz offer a RX 7800XT in my PC.

Since I don’t feel so much about RT and AMD offers more VRAM I prefer the AMD cards

My two favorites in the P/L ratio are the RX 7800XT and the RX 7900GRE. Unfortunately, the RX 7900GRE was then when I bought the RX 7800XT not available on the free market in DE but that would have been my dream.

If I had to choose NVIDIA, the RTX 4070 or RTX 4070Super would probably be the card I would most likely take.

4 months ago


you can look in here:

https://www.pcgameshardware.de/Grafikkarten-Grafikkarte-97980/Tests/Grafikkarten-Price comparison-Kauftipps-1418023/

A RTX 4060 or RX RX 6800 or RX 6750XT I think is appropriate


4 months ago

A rx 7800xt is really good for price performance

4 months ago
Reply to  Kayza207

If you want ~10 % more power for n hundreds more, you can also take the AMD Radeon RX 7900 GRE.

4 months ago
Reply to  Kayza207

These are price performance always bad. Except you’re talking about RayTracing.