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Camachate berry: Nobody knows it. I just love it because it’s so rough. At my 5 shrubs only a few berries hang
Peaches: You must be very mature. Mostly from my own trees. Hab 7 peach trees but unfortunately the very early flowers often freeze.
My No 1 is strawberries
Hab over 30 varieties and 4 species
fragaria ananassa, vesca, moschatta, nilgeriensis
Here my biggest beet with the best strawberry in the world.
But I love the white strawberries very much, which hardly anyone knows. The strawberries are white with red dots (nuts)
Strawberries have no conventional seeds, but nuts. Botanically, they are considered a common nut. The small points on the strawberries are the nuts from which new plants can be drawn.
I grow my strawberries myself.
My biggest day harvest
I find raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and watermelons most preferred.
For me the passion fruit. Refreshing and exotic.
I like strawberries, strawberries and blueberries.🍓🫐😇
LG Maike
Puh, heavy🤯 apple, banana, cherries, strawberries, raspberries,… may not decide🤪😆
Strawberries, raspberries. Blackberries – but also Mirabellen or friedberries
Litschis and Wildmangos I find very tasty. And what tastes the most intense of all are Maracujas.
I like strawberries.
Grenadilla is one of the best fruits I know.
I find kernelless grapes very delicious. – A bite of cheese…
Kaki, pineapple, grapes in order
Apples, currants, lemons, red grapes…
Blue and strawberry.
Zwetschke, according to my wife, plum would be ambiguous and would be erased, understand the women and their thoughts!:)
Plum is ambiguous only after the explanation. I’m just thinking about the fruit.
Plums and plums are not the same.
“Pflaume” is the preamble. In the narrower sense this usually means (at least in shops) the large spherical fruits. There are them in blue, yellow, red.
“Zwetschgen” are the small oval blue fruits.
A mett bread with neatly raw mett.
Or a bread with meat salad; Sausage in neat Mayonaise.
Oh, that’s it. Fruit what is harvesting ready in my garden. And I thought there was a messing rat in the cherry tree, I silly.
Hello. This is about fruit. :