What is your opinion about the USA?

If someone asks what you think of the USA, what would you answer? Feel free to explain your reasons and not get so political xd.

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3 years ago

Yes, the good things were for Obama’s first term of office, where the people could reconcile halfway, and the Republicans were not yet a neo-Nazi troupe.

At that time, I would have visited the USA a few times.

Nowadays I wouldn’t dare to go. The US also needs something like a Nazi removal from society. If they’d get this, I’d take a few days off.

At present, however, it looks like a downward spiral, both politically and socially, health and financially. Seems like the USA is moving into a second 3rd Reich. Russia and China will certainly not prevent it or will eventually free it.

Their motto is yes: the worse they get, the better for us!

3 years ago

I was professionally in the states (New Mexico, Texas, Florida, New York and Illinois) and would never like to live there because of these experiences. Landscape is a dream, no matter what season, somewhere it is always grandiose, but the people (education, culture, interaction and lifestyle) were for me the absolute catastrophe, per week at least a horror experience.

There were also exceptions, with some I still have loose contact today, but these were 0.1% of people.

3 years ago

… but people are sometimes strange;)

I am always professional over and actually happy to be home again in Europe, no, I would not permanently emigrate.

3 years ago

As soon as I have the option, I’ll go to the GreenCard lottery.

And if I’ve got the card, I don’t get stuck here anymore…

I’m building my own house there, and I’m saving money here.

In Germany you can only glotte into the mountains with the oven pipe…


3 years ago
Reply to  JohnWayne1106

What speaks against a migration to the USA?

no reasonable health system,

no reasonable pension system,

almost no employee rights;

no wage repayment in the event of illness,

very little holiday claim and it is also reckoned against illness days,

almost no social security,

a very expensive education system,

a high crime rate,

You shouldn’t have to emigrate without any exact information, make long-term vacation or a sabbath year and look at it.

3 years ago
Reply to  habakuk63

I know everything.

As a backup, I have a parent house here in Germany.

The homeless aren’t in downtown, so at least I know I don’t have to sit there.

3 years ago

They took the land of the Indians, and parts of Mexico, and now they want to say who is allowed to go in and who is not. Pregnant and veterans become homeless, and the health system is 💩 and I have heard people have to pay tax, even if they live abroad, only because they have a U.S. citizenship, but I don’t know if it really is true.

3 years ago

What do I think of a country that kills 64 women and children in a bomb attack in a foreign country and then says that was just self-defense?

3 years ago

In any case, an interesting, dynamic country. Most trends, films and series are therefore coming. And, of course, music.

3 years ago

In the United States, not everything is gold that shines but the USA (other than Russia) is the blueprint for the life plan of most people on this earth.

And I personally like blues, jeans and Coca-Cola…

3 years ago

I’m still relatively young. In any case, I want to go, too.

I find the country quite cool

3 years ago
Reply to  ktownmaxi

Emigration doesn’t really make sense, but you can make a year abroad if you’re so interested!

3 years ago
Reply to  jessii146

It’s just like that. I’ve never been more busy with xD

3 years ago


3 years ago

Ups, auto correction. I meant waste of time…

3 years ago

What do you mean time shift?

3 years ago

About yes! Sure, why not! Time shift is in no case.

3 years ago

yes is not bad but if you really are so interested a year abroad is a good idea! I think you’re 14 or?

3 years ago

both very corrupt and funny as well as cool 🤷 ♂️ it is very diverse.

3 years ago

Corrupt is commercially. And in the U.S. it’s as good as everything is commercially, to violence.

It’s just good as a deterrent example.

3 years ago

I have lived there for a year and would never do it again, but there are some things that I find good, for example, that the amis is not as perpetual as the Germans and the meat has tasted much better in the USA than in Germany.

3 years ago

From my point of view, the state of foreign policy is spreading the greatest terror and extorting countries.

The people I met from there were great.

3 years ago

The USA is a great country and Americans are very sympathetic to me.

Can only report good

3 years ago

Got a family. This is the coolest thing for me in the USA.

3 years ago

Great land for rich, conservative egoists. For others rather not.

3 years ago

Naja goes to play world police

3 years ago

Why the question – many like to be small Americans – I don’t.

3 years ago
Reply to  brownieeis1111

It’s got pretty corners, so you could look like that…

3 years ago

If I had enough money, I would like to emigrate to Texas or Florida

3 years ago
Reply to  Driver950

Have you been there for a long time? Texas was a pure nightmare for me.

3 years ago
Reply to  habakuk63

Unfortunately, I wasn’t there, I’m just looking at a lot of videos about it, but I really want to go there, at least for half a year.

What bothered you about Texas?

3 years ago

Hm… I’ve usually heard differently so far, but it’s always nice to talk…

Well, I think it’s coming to the region in Texas too, and in Florida I don’t think that’s so bad

3 years ago

Pure racism when you’re black is shot and asked. Every Hans Dampf, from the gardener to the master of the house, to the type that fills the beverage machines carries a colt, like John Wayne.

In Texas, a colleague was shot by a Mexican on the supermarket parking lot, because he “charred” the parking lot.

In routine checks, I looked twice into the run of a pulled police weapon, I’d be different to you. And I’m a white man, a black man would probably have been shot.