Was ist eure Meinung zu Influencern?
Was ist eigentlich eure Meinung zu Influencern die ihr Geld mit Youtube verdienen und nicht mehr Arbeiten gehen?
Es gibt ja so einige, die ihr Leben nicht in den Griff bekommen und das Geld von anderen Leuten erbetteln und es dann für Luxusgüter ausgeben. Das Normale Arbeitsleben haben sie schon wieder vergessen.
Einige wiederum stecken wirklich viel Zeit in den Videos rein, da gibt es dann schon große Unterschiede.
Mein Vater sagt allerdings dass es kein Vergleich zur richtiger Arbeit sei wenn man nur den Ganzen Tag vor dem Pc Stuhl hockt und Fast Food in sich reinschiebt.
Er hat ein negatives Bild zu allen Influencern und für ihn sind sie ein negatives Bild für die Leute die wirklich hart Arbeiten müssen. Für ihn sind sie Sozialschmarotzer wenn man es jetzt so ausdrücken möchte. Mein Vater ist übrigens in der DDR aufgewachsen.
Könnt ihr die Meinung von meinem Vater teilen oder habt ihr eine ganz andere Meinung?
Ich habe auch mehrere Social Media Konten und ich mache es als Hobby neben meiner Arbeit.
I understand that many people question why influencers often earn so much money. It sometimes looks like the influencers are posting photos or videos, but there is much more behind them. Influencers often run their social media channels like a real company. It is not only about uploading images, but also about planning, creating content, negotiating contracts with brands and maintaining a community. All this requires a lot of work, time and creativity.
One must also realise that influencers use their range to promote products and brands – similar to advertising on television or in magazines. Large coverage often means greater responsibility, but also greater impact, which is why many companies are willing to invest a lot. Considering that most influencers also have to pay taxes, employ teams, and buy equipment, the picture is a bit relative.
Is that fair? I think it depends on how to define fair. Influencers often offer their followers entertainment, inspiration or even education – they are virtually like digital entertainers or experts in specific areas. As long as you remain authentic and deliver real added value, I don’t see why it should be unfair to earn good money. I find pure reaction channels a bit more difficult.
In the end, it is important to remain transparent, to deal honestly with the community and not just to be guided by the money. But I think if you work hard and create real connections, it’s just fair to be rewarded for that. After all, you sometimes sell your entire life and not a few are also broken at the immense pressure.
I’d still be interested in what you think about the subject?
Hello I still stay with my opinion that this is not a comparison with the person(s) who are in the care or home business and has to get up 5:00 in the morning and then has to leave at 4:00.
Most influencers are all physically healthy individuals and could do a lot of work.
But for a person with inability to work and a limitation in young years, the profession influencers would certainly be a good way to earn money. :
from my own experience and practice! 20 min video required approx. 5h Ideas and preparation, 8h turn, about 8 – 10h postproduction, i.e. select music, cutting, prepare for Youtube, upload 2h. At the end there are 25h for a 20-minute video. If this isn’t work, plus the cost of equipment, soft and hardware, on and off, scenes and props, etc.
small exception.
these are prejudices based on ignorance. Just find him a video of an influencer who once filmed his working day
may well understand
Very different. Channels such as short-lived or simplicissimus I like the success. The topics are interesting and there is a great deal of work in the videos.
People like Trymacs, Montana and Papaplatte can’t win anything, I think they’ve fallen into a cash pot by pure luck.
I give you right
My father also has a negative image of YouTubers and influencers. He does not understand that this is simply a hard job and there are also many positive examples. Only negative examples are always shown on TV.
It is also true, but this is still not a comparison to the right work, e.g. people in the household industry, kita, rescue agencies in the care fire department or police who have to be accessible daily 9 or even 12 hours of work and then after work in an emergency.
Yes, but the border between private and work merges and it burdens your mental health.
But for physical work you get money. And the influencers just need to stop the computer or stream around with the smartphone and travel a lot while a normal worker is always at the same place and only traveling on vacation can, perhaps only 4 weeks a year.
Laber bags who tell every shit at the expense of others and enrich themselves with the nonsense.
You know it:)
They do everything right. It’s users like you who make their fame.
If you wouldn’t let yourself be impressed by such a bullshit, it wouldn’t be. :