Was ist eure Meinung von Carola Rackete ( Aktivistin, ehemalige Kapitänin der SeaWatch 3 )?
Carola Rackete ist eine bekannte Aktivistin, Naturschutzökologin, Buchautorin und ehemalige Politikerin ( Die Linke ). Sie erlangte internationale Bekanntheit, als sie im Juni 2019 als Kapitänin der Sea-Watch 3 aus Libyen kommende Flüchtlinge bzw. Migranten im Mittelmeer aus Seenot rettete und nach wochenlangem Warten auf eine Genehmigung – trotz eines Verbots durch italienische Behörden – den Hafen der Insel Lampedusa unter Berufung auf das Nothafenrecht anlief. was ist eure Meinung zu Carola Rackete ? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJH5BUj5yYA
Hello and a good afternoon/night all of you here in the round, today on Tuesday.
I was quite impressed at the time when she took this action as captain and the people on the ship, without paying attention to any consequences. For this, I think it is necessary to get through, and it has remained positive to many people.
A quiet, relaxed and as far as possible not to cool Tuesday late afternoon, Opi-Paschulke wishes everyone here who likes.
Enjoy this evening in peace, again everyone will take care of you and stay healthy as well as well.
Thank you for your answer!
Thanks for the star.
Without an appreciation of her deeds and her opinion, she is a person who enters for his opinion and wants to change what. You can pay respect for that.
definitely 😉
I find their commitment to the marine refugees for very brave.
A brave and determined woman. I have great respect for her! On the other hand, Salvini is a washcloth.
full consent!!!! Thank you for your answer!
She had her appearance.
To date, it has not been enough.
Conclusion: To this point a braked altitude flight.
This woman has a lot to do! She has studied nautics, an extremely difficult study. but many are world champions
Hey, Tornado. Nice to support this woman. In no case would I like to give this woman her qualities. Perhaps the whole of the actions did not go so optimally. Perhaps she has engaged in a party that has not managed to highlight her positive qualities.
Unfortunately, it is so in the world that the best often disappear for some stupid reasons in the sinking and the Luschen are flushed up.
Not bad at that time, but never heard of him again.
it is still very active. simply googling