Was ist eure Meinung, dass man das Wasser abgegeben soll am Flughafen?
Also ich find das ungerecht.
Also ich find das ungerecht.
Ich bin bisher immer nur mit der Familie geflogen, aber noch nie ganz alleine. Dummerweise habe ich wirklich nie auf meine Umgebung richtig geachtet, sondern bin immer nur hinterhergelaufen, passkontrolle, Koffer, gate etc. Doch nun werde ich bald ganz alleine fliegen und dann noch transatlantisch und ich habe irgendwie absolut keine Ahnung. Hat jemand vielleicht…
Beide flugzeuge fliegen die eine verliert ihre Streifen die andere breitet sich aus aber verschwindet nicht obwohl sie in der selben Höhe geflogen sind
Also, ich will mit einer bekannten von mir die 18 ist nach Istanbul von Wien aus fliegen, damit sie ihren Freund besuchen kann und ich die Stadt erkunden kann. Deshalb meine Frage: Ist dies rechtlich möglich, dass ich mit ihr fliege auch wenn ich noch minderjährig bin und eine Unterkunft bekomme wenn sie beim Check-In…
Hallo. Ich sehe manchmal wenn ich meine Augen bewege so durchsichtige schwarze Mücken die sich mit meinen Augenbewegungen bewegen. Kennt das einer der auch noch jünger ist?
Hallo, ich fliege Ende nächster Woche aus England zurück nach Deutschland. In meinem Urlaub habe ich ein paar Sachen gekauft. Nichts einzelne ist wertvoll, nichts mehr als 50€ pro Stück, eher immer deutlich weniger. Ein paar Pullover, zwei Kuscheltiere für die Kinder und ein Packet Kekse. Ein paar Kleinigkeiten wie kullis, eine Mütze und so…
I don’t care. Why would I take water from outside on a flight?
It’s creepy to me why you think about it. To whom it is too expensive for two Euros to get a drink that does not fly… and if so, keep an empty bottle and fill it up for free.
When flying, there’s a lot that annoys me, but that really doesn’t belong to it.
This has been so since 9/11 and has nothing to do with justice. This scheme was introduced for certain reasons and has not been amended since then. And you know that before.
security reasons so that no one takes something harmful to the ship. I find absolutely in order. in such a sardinenbüche up there is also about my life, because I can give up my water and buy me new for couple euro stop n in duty free
The same as with lighters. And after check in you can buy it again.
It’s like it is. It’s best to take none.
Now you know it for the next flight.
Before 9/11 was definitely more beautiful and relaxed and also the time before check-in was shorter.
That’s okay. I want maximum safety during a flight. What is not at all is the inhuman prices for the water offered at the airport! Here profit is made because you know that people have to buy it.
I think it’s good, because it’s about safety.
In the wrong can be water, but it could also be a combustible substance or explosive. Since it is not possible to examine each beverage or container individually, everything is delivered to non-conform things.
This is how the rules are. Before the security check, you must have drained your water or spill it away if necessary.
Whether this really prevents attacks is on another sheet.
So I also think it is sufficient to have a strong sip out of the bottle, even demonstratively, so that it is approved for taking.
By the way, in 2022, I managed to uncheck a three-quarter full 1l-Tetrapak with a plane…
I don’t have a problem with it, it could be acid or the like, something sicker about it.
There’s something in the plane.
It could be unfair, but it has to do with the old terrorist history. Who knows what you did in that bottle? Nevertheless, that it is made of plastic, there can be a chemical mixed in the water that creates a risk of fire. This is why you can only take 50ml containers.
A buddy of mine once took a 1.5 liter bottle in front of the security man in a train on the flight to the tennis training camp, as he otherwise had to give up the water / spill it away.
Impractical for yourself, because you want to keep it. It is, however, a task for the agents at the airport that they must implement.
Take empty bottle and fill in the water dispensers. There are now many airports.
The last time I flew with a Turkish airline (whoever they are relatively new and cheap) have given each person a water bottle
There are in the air