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Warum wirken modernere Fantasy & Science-Fiction Filme meistens unrealistischer als die älteren?
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Harry Potter Fan Filme?
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Was denkt ihr (Tribute von Panem 2)?
Peeta hat ja bei einem Interview gesagt, dass er und Katniss geheiratet haben und sie jetzt schwanger ist. So jetzt zu meiner Frage: wann denkt ihr hat die Bevölkerung gewusst das sie nicht wirklich schwanger ist?
Wie alt ist Gollum?
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I actually have no feasts favorite series, but the last ones I saw and found were good: The Owl House and Dr. House(I still see) The Owl House I found very beautiful and I found Dr. House then always fascinating and somehow interesting…
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Lg notnoetig ⭐
Find me in Paris.
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When I fly towards you.
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Spongebob sponge head. 😍😭
That was, I think…*_*
Hotel del Luna (K-Drama)
You know the song hijo del la luna? The name sounds similar to lol
Luna, lat. = the moon. Spanish is a Romanesque language, the origin is Latin: “Hijo de la luna” is the “son of the moon”.
“Hotel del Luna” is the hotel of the moon, it only opened at night. His boss is “Man Wol”, Korean for “Fullmond”. The name is not by chance, but by purpose. 🌜🌕
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