Was ist eure Lieblingsküche?
Mit Alter und Geschlecht
vor allem, wenn am Gründonnerstag bei der Vorbestellung Euch ein Preis von 120 euro genannt worden ist?
Warum ist es schlimm, wenn man nicht kochen kann? Obst und die meisten Gemüsesorten kann man ja schließlich auch roh essen. Rohe Möhren beispielsweise sind sogar sehr gesund.
Habt ihr irgendwelche Tipps, wie ich mehr Wasser trinken kann? Ich hab einfach ein extremes Problem damit mich daran zu erinnern, dass ich trinken muss. Oft vergesse ich es ganz und trinke ein Glas Wasser am Tag. Das Versuche ich zu ändern aber weiß nicht richtig wie
Ich habe AUS VERSEHEN aus einer Eisteeflasche mit Schimmel getrunken, und da war nicht nur wenig drin.😭 Die Flasche ist schon fast leer. Denkt ihr, es passiert jetzt etwas schlimmes? Seitdem ich das gesehen habe, ist mir mega schlecht, aber davor war so nichts. 😭 Es sind so große Fetzen; ich habe Angst. Bitte gebt…
By far.
Be female, 13
Thanks for the star 🙂
I like to change. I like both kitchens, the Italian, but also the numerous (different) preparation types of Asian cuisine(s).
Today I have eaten sushi with Tobikko (from the flying fish) and with Hotategai (Jakobsmuscheln). Was tasty – you just have to be careful not to take too much waste (very sharp). It’s Japanese.
Even more tasty was the Vietnamese Tôm Chiên, which are panned giant cloves with salad and dark sauce. Other Vietnamese dishes are also very delicious – also with Nuóc Mám (Vietnamesian fish sauce).
Asian cuisine is not only delicious (and quite healthy), but also somehow interesting, you always learn something about it. If you like “Seafood”, Asia is really exciting (grays, shells, fish, etc.). However, the Italians also have good fish dishes.
The best European cuisine is and remains the Austrian, because it is most versatile.
Hi. They have so much inconceivable, you can only love it. I also like to test everything else.
followed tightly or almost the same with the French.
Makes safe but I like burgers too much
Cooking very much and regularly Asian dishes have as good as all ingredients in the house!
German cuisine.
M. 17.
I also like to eat Chinese, American at most Burger.
Burger is not a carpenter 🙂
You obviously can’t read. I wrote that I like to eat Burger, except for the American cuisine, but rather refuse.
For the next answer, please turn your head on 🙂
True, we would probably just insult each other more
Your brain seems to be insane. And that’s how I finish the discussion, and it’s getting too colorful to me.
Then I guess I was the one who bit your brain
What was the mistake? 😂
It may be that Google and Co. think that the Hamburger is now the name for Burger in general (which is complete humbuck, as there are so many burger variants), only that was not the starting theme. Everything you do is smart.
You don’t even see your mistakes? 😣
The first step to improve is to see your mistakes
Aha. Clever bites and at the same time stupid. You have to get there first. Doesn’t change the fact that there is more than one burger.
It really is. Each post is checked accurately. In any case, it’s a better source than you. Moreover, any other website says the same. Even Google shows Hamburger when you’re looking for Burger. You sound like my old teacher btw
Here’s a “serious” source you teacher
Wikipedia is also a very serious source 🙈
Bruv “Burger” = Hamburger. It’s just the abbreviation of Hamburger
L2P Skill Issue L Ratio
Hamburger yes, but Burger generally are considered American cuisine. If you had read my text correctly, you would have noticed that I did not refer to the hamburger explicitly.
Hello her pensioner, Hamburger does not come from Hamburg America
🙂 yes sir
(w, 33)
I love them too
Mexican, Spanish and Polish cuisine.
Also like German cuisine.
Best for me:D (w, 11)
Mediterranean / South European cuisine
Household food
Balkan cuisine,lekkeeerrr.
and the French Kitchen
If bro cooking can actually gigachad coded!!️🙏
And the Chinese.
Thank you.
German cuisine! ♥