Was ist eure Lieblingseissorte?
Was ist eure Lieblingseissorte?
Was ist eure Lieblingseissorte?
Ist euch das auch schon passiert?
Wie bekomme ich es hin n das das es beim Gang weiter hinten nicht so extrem brenn
Hey wieviel Gramm Blumenkohl wird das wohl sein? Ist das wohl eine Portion also so 200gramm? oder weiss jemand wieviel jeweils ein Stück hat? LG und bitte nur ernsthafte Antworten.
Hey, Sophie.
Oh, that’s difficult. 😅
My choice still falls on vanilla ice because you can combine it to almost any sauce etc and I also just spaghetti ice cream very love 😋.
But also chocolate ice cream (I love chocolate) & strawberry is definitely one of my favorite ice creams.
But I would also like to mention mango, milk ice cream & children’s bar ice cream.
My ranking of these varieties would be:
And what’s your favorite ice cream? 😊🍨
LG, Pizza80
Thank you for your answer.
My favorite ice creams are strawberry, tender bitter, coconut and cookie ice cream.
My rankings (for the above mentioned types of ice):
I also like spaghetti ice cream, especially with fresh strawberries on it.
Cookie ice cream is also very tasty 😋
Thanks for the star ⭐
Yeah:), mainly because of the chocolate and biscuits…
Heyyho Sophie2357 👋
My favorite ice cream is chocolate ice cream 😋
I LOVE chocolate simple, is also my favorite sweetness, and therefore I like chocolate ice cream also most!
Which one do you like? 🙃
Greetings ArinaArande 😊
Hello ArinaArande!
My favorite ice creams are strawberry, tender bitter, coconut and cookie ice cream.
I also like to eat chocolate 🙂
And thank you for your nice answer.
Oh Cookie ice is also mega nice 🙃
Please, thank you for your comma 😊
My favorite ice cream is Mon Cherie ice cream, with tender bitter pieces and cherry water cherry in it. Then chocolates, cherries and cream, a dream that unfortunately has become more expensive this year.
From the choice of strawberries and vanilla ice cream is also really good. But as a child I liked the ice cream very much.
I love Mango-Maracuja.
But chocolate is also good
I like chocolates.
Above all, it must not be too extremely sweet and I don’t want any hard pieces like chocolate splinters, nuts or pistachios.
One of the balls of lemon and chocolate. And then whipped cream on it! But I just like in summer.
I find vanilla ice cream best.🤗🍦
LG Maike
Ice is too unhealthy, I don’t eat that.
Mostly dark chocolate.
Vanilla, Nusseis, Cookie ice cream, cream ice cream and caramelis
I have lactose:) but otherwise dark chocolate
My favorite ice cream is yogurt natural or with fruit.
I love the ice cream cookie 😍
Yogurt and/or Nutella. :
And still forest master ice cream:)
Or strawberry <3
Cinnamon, but not everywhere.
This is my favorite variety.
Nutella ice cream
and Salted Caramel.
Bananas Split🤗:)
I eat very rarely ice and then usually vanilla.
Just from strawberries, without additional sugar or cream.
Lemon 🍋
Me too:)
I like many varieties: chocolate, banana, yogurt, snickers, cookies, Stracciatella and and and
Schokii 😋
Especially the soft ice freshly tapped from the machine. 🙂
You can see a good ice chef 😎