Was ist eure ekligste Erfahrung mit essen.?
Zb: Wo das Essen nicht mehr gut war oder es sehr eklig war.
Zb: Wo das Essen nicht mehr gut war oder es sehr eklig war.
Erst 600ml stilles Wasser Dann 3 Toast, einer mit Käse und die anderen belegt mit jeweils einem Spiegelei Dannach 40g Haferflocken mit Milch und eine Banane.
Ich suche eine Internetseite auf der ich mir kostenlos einen Ernährungsplan erstellen kann. Kennt ihr eine?
Hallo zusammen, Mein Lehrer bringt jeden Morgen eine Thermoskanne und einen Becher mit roten Flecken in die Schule. Im der Kanne hat es eine rote Flüssigkeit, sie ist relativ klar und so kirschrot. Und sie riecht extrem nach Curry. Wir haben uns dann immer gefragt, was das ist. Es scheint auch abzufärben, denn er benutzt…
Hi ich war auf einer Feier und da gab es so Bastelglitzer! Wir haben Wahrheit oder Pflicht gespielt und meine Freundin hat jetzt eine kleine Menge Glitzer gegessen! Ist das Giftig für sie? (𝓢𝓸 𝓼𝓪𝓱 𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝓖𝓵𝓲𝓽𝔃𝓮𝓻 𝚄𝙽𝙶𝙴𝙵𝙰̈𝙷𝚁 𝓪𝓾𝓼)
Ich möchte auf gesunde Ernährung umstellen bzw. ohne Zucker, wo und wie fang ich an??
Weil man das ja nicht muss und nur für den Genuss Tiere ausgebeutet werden und sterben? Oder ist das egal, weil Tiere … dafür da sind(?).
At a bakery, a small piece of cake in plastic film was bought for free on a holiday and I opened one with home.
As soon as I opened the film, a living cockroach has jumped out and ran away (but it could quickly catch and kill) 🤮
Oh, dear. Found a hair in a cake. He was about cake inside. 🤮
There are many.
I was invited once, as the only guest, so I could feel badly – and there was liver. Disgusting, I like liver very much in homeopathic dosage on field salad, but not as whole meat lobes. Because I wanted to be polite, I ate some of it. Approximately in the size of half a thumb, and only with contempt for death.
Oh, yeah, and three weeks ago the new riding stable owner invited to the barbecue. She pinned the meat, everyone else should bring something. A woman from the stable brought vegan Zaziki. It was the most disgusting Saziki I ever had a teaspoon. I didn’t know that vegans didn’t eat garlic….
Obviously DIESE vegan does not eat garlic – the majority of all vegans certainly does this…;)
I know that was sarcastically meant, anyway, her “Zaziki” was unfit.
Your “Sarkasmus” was probably inappropriate at this point – above all there are certainly “normal” Zaziki versions that are unfit for some “emnis”…
My vegan creations are great at many Omnis! 😉
I started eating yoghurt… and after the 4 spoons I noticed that the lid is hanging down so green and blue apron.
During a professional training we had a questionable catererer; a “highlight” was a well-preserved fish where between fish & Panade worms/worm larvae were. I’m really not crooked, but that was too much
Both in Mallorca: The panade went off with my meat, and under it the meat was tattooed.
At night drunk super-leckeres Gyros (or so) fetched. The next day we are back there and then have seen it in the light, sober… 🤢
Have n pieces of chocolate eaten and when I looked at the packaging, there were two grubs or worms in there
I got a coffee piece at the baker once… with cherry filling…
fortunately I didn’t bite in, but it broke apart because it was quite big….
inside I found a red wool thread….I pulled him out…he was almost half a meter long 🤢
That was really disgusting….
For me, today any meat consumption would be “ecligious” – to inedible!
Funny is(s)t that many – so-called – “Omnis” love my vegan creations, most of which thought they were absolutely inedible…
Yes – try makes wise!
I’m an “Omni” and we keep cooking vegetarian dishes and ideas. Who says that doesn’t taste, has no idea.
Or a lot of prejudices – until he dares to try…;)
Always find that some people sneak over vegetarian food – they consume meatless dishes like of course (usually from small to medium)…
Eating on class drive in the lower stage. For example, a dessert has tasted really like rum or something, I found it so disgusting at 11/12 years
I used to make spaghetti who literally “resolved” in the mold for just a week. Friday night I felt 3 promille at home and thought after the 2nd. Fork that this agitator tastes so funny and is also much too creamy. Joah then hatched after a few seconds what I actually ate…
what did you eat?
Aja the hidden spaghetti…
The “comic” is that only after the knowledge of the taste was such a puke. Before that it was actually “just” a very stranger..
BAAAAAH 🤮🤮🤮 sht
XDD jaa I know. And I was so naive and thought mama made agitation for me. Wiiitzzzzz
Personally, after this video, I became tired and ecrated by Pasta…
I don’t want to spoil the pasta apentitt.
Once I opened a can of sour wort, there were bird feathers in it.
how does that come in?
I’m guessing a bird has gotten into the herb chopper.
I was with the Bundeswehr in 1992.
the potato sacks had this label:
“For pig breeding or Bundeswehr”
any questions?
Yes – also pigs are gourmets…;);)